
Independence Day (or ID4, if you're retarded) was— you know, where he played the methed up, tin foil hat-level alien conspiracy theorist who kamakazies his plane into a bright light. He was never able to break character after that.

I never really had a problem with the "NOOOOO!" in the film, I mean, it seems like a totally reasonable thing to say at that moment, but it probably would have seemed more reasonable if it had started just as Dr. M raised his hand instead of after.

I wish I'd thought of that, C.E.


Or like Knights Templar.

Ed and His Dead Mother?
Is there an entry for that or is it even considered anything? Am I the only one who likes it?

So many milkmen on the same route…
No wonder they fight.

Cable ala Carte
I used to really wish that I could order cable channels ala carte and used to think that I'd want Discovery, TLC, History, and maybe a couple others, but those were the channels that really made me consider getting cable every few months or so. Now, though, they're all reality shows (I wanted to put

This movie is exactly not down my ally— I've seen the original and it doesn't hold a particularly special place in my heart, I don't like noisy action pieces for the most part, and there's nothing that makes me want to get up and leave like crappy mythology delivered in clunky dialog littered with terrible faux

She might just be doing some intro narration again.

I walked out of Magnolia. I keep meaning to rewatch it and threads like this remind me of that fact— but it's okay, I'll forget again. It wasn't so much that i didn't like the movie… it was a little boring, but the sound in the theater was balanced so poorly that the soundtrack from the surround channels was so

Listening to it now. I have a feeling that what my brain is coming up with to accompany this music is going to leave me disappointed by the movie.

I just bought it for 3.99 and got the booklet in PDF form. Same price with or without the latter, so why the fuck not?

As a video gamer for decades, I really don't understand why so many people are befuddled by the wiimote.

I don't understand your crazy Moon language!

I thought that Sun, Sun song was a Rafi song. Does Barney just lift Rafi's songs?

I'm no Sasquatchologist by any means, but I have never heard of sightings in Nebraska— and that would make sense because, historically, the Great Plains were very clear of trees due to regular prairie fires. That's why so many homesteaders built their houses out of dirt. You really seem like you know a lot more about

It might actually be easier to follow with the audio. Maybe he pauses and stresses things in a way that makes it clearer when he's starting off on a tangent? Hell, I don't know.

"We're sorry to trouble you at a time like this, Mrs. Twice; we would have come earlier but your husband wasn't dead then."

*queues up, menacingly slaps wrench in palm*