
Just a Costume
I went out of my way one year to just come up with something that would sort of be a generic comic/anime villain/scientist. I covered myself in white makeup (which always makes teeth look so pretty), died half of my hair black, the other half blue (right - left), bandaged up my left arm (blue side), and

lay… whatever.

The stakes of this cliffhanger are so high, though, that I think the bigger gag would be if they just let it lie.

Failed Roman numeral thousand and onsies.

Wow, that got 'im.

The biiiiig awesomeness of the PS3 is that they started streaming in 1080p and with 5.1 audio for some titles (and most likely more on the way). 720p was fine and, seriously, I don't see a difference in old HD streaming and the current, but the inclusion of 5.1 audio makes me full of glad.

And a lot of the current violent games try to look more realistic in their character renderings, something that really highlights the Wii's central weakness. But games like this and cartoony games work very well.


That's what I was getting at, Bucky is a Nazi.

As long as it opens my ball flues, I'll be happy.

Live Became a Gag
I liked that the live element was a gag that had to do with Jack's shift in perception when he stopped drinking: "Does it seem weird in here to you?" and "That's better…"

Remember when Japan was China? Then Taiwan, but now China is China and it's the least pleasant China of all.

Monster Hesh
Monster Hesh ruined that music for me forever. Ruined in a good way.

The song Parsec from the album Dots and Loops was in a VW commercial. I remember that.

It's only fair. I mean, if he didn't go to jail for at least as long as Lindsay Lohan, people would think that the system were biased against pale redhead cokefiend, stroller-hitting skanks.

That can be a point on Sam's resume now: "Ernest Borgnine called me 'partner'."

It says so in the script
"'I love you.' Period. That's what it says in the script! "

I want and don't want a Palmer Eldritch movie. I've read that book to pieces… of course, the copy I had wasn't well put together and was falling apart after the first reading, but what I said is factually true.

Even though someone confirmed that the movie was real, I still didn't believe you and had to look it up myself. I was about to congratulate you on coming up with an almost implausible Kevin James movie. How can it be real? How? HOW?!

"I don't know" was my biggest laugh.