
Why did it take so long for someone to mention a PS3? I just noticed that I haven't used it to play a game since may, but I use it almost every day to stream netflix, stream media from my PC, watch blu rays, download videos, etc. I guess i just think that if I'm going to spend 100 bucks on something that sort of does

Yeah, while I was reading it I was imagining a Plinkett review in my head. Though I think that Dune has many fewer problems of the type that are pointed out in the Star Wars prequel reviews and maybe that's just why it seems so confusing and dense. Characters don't know or do things without our knowing why (other than

Oh! They could bring back John Romero as the badguy at the end, too.
!oremoR nhoJ :em taeb ot evah uoy ,emag siht niw oT

…you wonder where bad people will go when they die.

Yes! Salad Days was one of the first things Python products I ever saw, too, and I was almost puking with laughter. Also, one of those silly scenes where they blew up some animals, I still don't know why that was so stupidly funny, but it was. I didn't even get why it was funny, but it was like something just poked

I need to buy paranoia agent. I downloaded it last year and was blown away. It's such a reality fuck that one of the episodes was completely glitchy (the episode centered on the TV producer) and ended up essentially being a series of frozen scenes (but the audio works). So I'd get a few seconds of motion, a


If you could sound like Zim, that would be awesome. I can't believe that voice comes from an adult man.

Weird. For some reason, I had it in my head that Dick Cavett was dead. I had to look it up.

This Interview Made Me Happy
I was going to go to bed an hour ago but popped in and saw this Random Roles. Between pages the site went down or something and I sat here and refreshed, looked at some unrelated sites to pass time before coming back and trying again. I guess what I'm trying to say in a round-about way is

And get him some more beer!

When I hear "Surgeon General" I think "C. Everett Coop." The name and title are forever bound in my mind. In fact, the only other person associated closely with that title is the woman who wanted kids to jerk off, and I can't even recall her name.

I think she was filming Breakfast of Champions at the time… at least, that's what I've always assumed. I'll look it up after I post so that I don't pretend that I've known all along making myself a secret douchebag.

I just caught Mallrats again for the first time since whenever it was first released on video. I didn't remember liking it that much then, and now it looks really, really bad. The quality of the cinematography is akin to a low-budget sex-romp with no pacing or continuity. It was like watching a drunk's thoughts. It's

I had to look up this Katie Morgan person for… um… research purposes after you mentioned her. She is kind of cute (though I can't say anything about her acting yet) but she shouldn't have had her breasts converted into rock0hard spheres. Are there guys who actually find that attractive?

Maybe the hurler thought he was giving Method Man a beer. I mean if it was full, it might have been closed; just some misguided juggalo etiquette.

Ktotwf— just spread that thought around the intertubes.

He could go to a planet of aliens that have no arms and be a god.

Oh my god. I got to the word "Voyager" and threw up on my cat. Watching his thug-hand gestures (Isn't that what they were called in the review of Breast Cancer Show Ever?), I was sure someone had dubbed a voice in. There are probably a lot of people who would be miffed to hear this tool giving Carl Sagan credit for

George: "Outie…? I thought that was your clit…"