

What about your girlfriend who lives off-site?

I didn't know that they yanked the non-special DVDs. I had planned on making a killing making DVDs from my THX-remastered (not special-editioned) LDs. Of course, since the non-special DVDs are out there, that would really be a better copy. Oh well. I'll cherish my LDs forevar.

The Titty Christ will bring salvation to all the titties who believeth in him, and they shall not parish but have ever perky life.

I made the mistake of defending an African-American fellow in the comments after a youtube video of a cop beating or tazing him or something (either way, it was police violence against an African-American), and I got a personal message telling me to "Shove a n*gger up your ass." Sometimes I want to use that phrase,

My, my, my.

I hated Lucky, too, but at some point, something clicked and I understood just how great he is. Not my favorite or anything, but the way that he appreciates little things in his life and actually does care about other people (e.g. when he gets Bobby a corn chip fresh off the line). He isn't a user of people and is

Jesus, whoops. I didn't mean to do that.

I think they fit a lot of the first season, but then the show gave everything up too easily. One episode, I don't remember which, devolves into a vampire procedural— oh yeah, when bill has his vampire court date. At that point I realized that they'd exhausted just about everything they had developed about vampire

Mutant League Football
Bring it back, fuckers! The only sports game that I'd put anywhere on a list of "Favorite Video Games," if I were to make such a list.

My True Blood Shame
I've seen all of seasons 1 and 2, I'll admit it; I did it for a lady person and enjoyed it on the whole, but I'm still vaguely embarrassed about this little piece of my biography.

Giant Tinker-Toys.

I agree about Season 5, I don't remember seeing much of it when it originally aired, but I have been catching a few where I can (I need to get the whole damn run already). I like Lovitz a lot, and I think in a different cast composition he would have worked well. The WNYX staff seemed to be balancing among 3 points. I

I have a hunch that a punch will crunch your face and a bunch will munch and eat your lunch.

I thought you might mean Mike Patton and a podcast of like an hour of him making noises or pretending to be yelling at a crying infant with murderous rage. I've never heard him do the latter, but it could be really creepy if he did. Maybe I'll send him a message on Facebook: "Mike, yell at a baby. It could be awesome."

They passed up an opportunity to get her clothes all wet and clingy, too.

Yeah, it is fun to see Krycek in an episode just because you know that someone, somewhere is going to beat the shit out of him.

Don't forget another cool thing about "Pusher"— Skinner's berserker immunity. That's one of my favorite Skinner moments and one that clarifies his status as a badass.

Firsties write posts declaring him.

Some of the historical info in that article is interesting, but… well…