
I saw that sticker, and I have a hard time believing it because it doesn't make financial sense. Sugar is way cheaper outside of the US because we tariff the butthole out of it to protect sugar beet farmers and make a market for HFCS. At least I hope so. I think that the mexican coke tastes different and I suspect

Max was created on an Amiga. Well, the background was rendered on the Amiga, the suit was shiny fiberglass and the hair was foam rubber, but the editing of Max was done on a Video Toaster.

Yeah, Hanks is about perfect in this. I can't not laugh when he comes out of the burning house, does his strange wave/finger tap on the porch rail, and nonchalantly slides down the stairs. It's just brilliant.

I let you keep the femur, but now I want my skull.

50 first dates surprised me for not going full-on magic-love ending. It was still overly sentimental, but I was happy that the power of love didn't fix her condition, they just found a precious work-around.

Yee Yee, that's the best threat I've ever fucking heard.

Fuck you, it has not!

I saw Billy Madison with friends when I was a teen… I don't remember exactly how teen… and I was quite literally doubled over with laughter. The next time I saw it it was an annoying piece of shit. Happy Gilmore is still tolerable because of the lack of baby talk.

I saw the first one and thought it was ironic until the last 2 - 5 minutes. I have to say that I enjoyed it and bought it for 5 bucks, because if you don't take it as having meaning it's fun. But then there are the juggalos. They ruin it. I have to hyperqualify why I like the moivie… it would probably be easier to

Good story, DA. After watching them just now, I assumed that back before he was King Shit, some editor was like, "This scene is retarded," and left it on the floor. But, yeah, I could see Lucas cutting a shite scene if it wasn't his.

Yeah, you can't just plop an episode like that and have the "Mulder Might Be Evil" device work. It's too out of character and there's no basis for it, so from the beginning we just wonder how they're going to back out of it. It's a twist that would have been better if it had been planned and sprinkled through

That's the craziest thing I ever heard— "Episcopal."

People who migrate to laptops are nuts. I've been changing parts here and there on my desktop for years and years. No, there's not anything left in it from 10 years ago, but two hundred bucks (or less) here and there over the years is just a great way to upgrade.

In studio light, the cat's eyes probably narrowed to slits making it look more like it had snake's eyes than cat eyes. They look very vacant and expressionless when their eyes are like that.

He does occasionally have his Clay moments, which are nice.

Ravenpen… do you think it might be because other people recognize you not because you're in limbo? That'd be my guess anyway.

I hope you're right, J.P., because if not, I don't even know how to tell someone how sorry I am for their cancer… I'm going to piggyback on GeoGreg's sentiments because that's a really nice thing to hope for some one. Plus Jeffrey Tambor addressed him directly once, that makes his coat tails pretty attractive.

I like "Tunnels" and then I sort of lose interest and move on… but I really like "Tunnels" a lot.

Oop mph 'ell shit.