
A Piece of history. I would have been interested in this review, I don't know how I missed this thread originally. I just assumed that "When you someone eat it" was from a poorly-translated "Engrish" instruction booklet from a cheaply-assembled toy. It's like stepping into a time machine.

Damn it, all I have are the syndicated versions of seasons 3 and 4 (and some of 5) and each one has a few moments hacked out of them— moments like this. At least I think some of it was… maybe I fell asleep.

I know that the straw thing has a screen on it to filter out solids like pubes and such, but I still can't bring myself to drink a cock mate.

I just watched wargames a few weeks ago and I, too, would have lost that bet.

This is really surprising… I never knew what his name was but "ubiquitous" describes his presence well. And he was only 61? Jeeze.

I'd forgotten all of those positive qualities.

That also has one of my most oft' quoted simpson lines: "Push her down, son."

I just saw that it's called TR2N… Trtwon… so… there it is.

It's Sea-Man!

Don't forget Cabin Boy.

Tie Advanced and Defenders do as does Vader's custom pimped ride.

So Joe Piscopo was funny once…once?

Rowsdower and that kid will make it, though.

I kind of consider this to be an insult to Katamari Damacy… maybe if Sean left off the "Damacy" part it would have more of the "wad of junk" connotation instead of a reference to the game, which was elegantly simple and very original.

I had no idea it was a pasta and never would have looked it up because it's such a perfect dog name— like something a Muppet dog would be named. Look into a dog's face and it looks like they're thinking "Farfel?"

I've heard him on some radio shows in friendly conversations and he does come off like a smug, self-important douche. But I don't care. He was George and fucking Duckman, he can be smug because those are two awesome roles.

There were some cool clothes in the 90s. He dressed like the 80s with his high pants and tucked in shirts.

Oops. I meant to cancel that… anyway, since I've retardedly posted anyway— he is more recognizable to me, so much so that it made me sad to see him sleep walk through Just Shoot Me on the occasions when I saw the show. No one who was in Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf deserves that.

George Segal

Philip Baker Hall did an excellent job as Larry David's doctor in Curb. He is very intense and committed and sells his aggravation very well, to the point where I was starting to get a little worried about how much Larry was annoying him. He's awesome.