
No Time Toulouse.

it took me a while to understand that Chloe is hot. It's a weird sort of hotness that sneaks up on you… you kind of stare while you sort it out and then, suddenly, you're like, "Whoa! Wood?"

Hey, I liked his standup, I didn't listen to it a whole lot or anything, but I remember laughing a lot. What bugged me is , as you say, is how many white racists latched onto his distinction between regular black folk and ni**ers/ni**as and used it as a big ol' rubber stamp of approval to use the word freely.

I have never, ever heard a professor say that Republicans are racist in a classroom setting. Sure, there are some whom I know and have relationships with personally who will be a little more candid about saying that some policies are racist, but even then they tend to be nuanced enough to talk about the effects of

The racist kind? There must be a phantom-edit version that goes from the curb kick, to some more violence, skips the falling out, but puts some smooth jazz under the rape scene (not Kenny G, of course), goes directly from prison to the murder of his brother, and back to a loop of the curb kicking.

I've been mentally giving you high fives all morning… though in my imagination, you're really Rachel and the high-fiving is vaguely erotic.

I think you're right, Cheesedick. You don't want a bunch of people to leave a movie about race with the false feeling that everything can be okay if you just open your heart (your heart… your heart… your heart). Although the end did feel inevitable, that's more of an issue of narrative rather than message, it was

Please, Hammer, do not hurt them, for they know not what they do.

Whose "Who's"?
I was just having a conversation about this movie with some people I work with and was surprised that some of them hadn't seen it. Not that it was an unavoidable film, but it seems like one of those that, if you had friends, one of them would eventually say, "Hey, check this out…"

Well I'll be Damned
Holy shit. When I was a kid we had a Supervan hotwheel, I had no idea what the hell it was from and had forgotten all about it until I saw it in the accompanying image. I wonder if it's still at my parents' house…

Merlin lives through time backwards, so I don't know how to interpret that.

Hannibal's elephants were from Africa, but were not modern African Elephants, they were a now-extinct variety that was actually pretty small by elephant standards.

Yeah, it's pretty clear that the photog in Tithonus instructs Dana on how not to die so he can steal her death pass, which, if the rest of the episode is to be believed, is how he became immortal, give-or-take. I think that there is some marveling at the speed of her recovery and the apparent mortality of the wound at

These Terrible Titles (T3)
While none of them have been as bad as the absolutely shitty "ID4" abbreviation, I do want these fucking titles to die. How about N3I2? There are 2 I's in "II". Every time I see this sort of EXTREME abbreviation, I just assume that whatever it's naming is going to suck bleeding rectums.

A pointless thought
But it seems weird that the Predators would evolve the sort of vision that they have on a planet that seems to be lighted with the same spectrum as Earth. In the first movie, when the Predator takes off his helmet and we see from his POV, his vision is really fucked up and borders on useless. I

Pre-Dator: Sloppy Seconds

Vigo also sat on a throne of blood. I never really understood what that meant, but it seemed like something cool to see.

I thought the rule/hypothesis was that if Dave wore shorts the episode would be especially good. The fact that he wore pants before a good episode wouldn't disprove that hypothesis. Did the theory change or did I remember it incorrectly?

That "triplets" line is one of my favorite throw-aways in this movie.

I also liked that paragraph.