
Well, good, I'm glad we almost solved the murders. Good time to sneak home and beat off for a little bit.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that she is.

I just rewatched it to coincide with the write up— I had never noticed that all of his lotto numbers are off by exactly 1 until this viewing… which might only be my 4th or 5th, but still. That was a good gag.

Oh definitely! I hadn't seen it since the theater, with the exception of clips on TV and the internets, before i grabbed up the trilogy on HD DVD last year (so cheap… can't say no). I put in the first one, expecting the worst, and found that it really is a ball if I approach it like movies you mentioned and don't try

I am embarrassed about how much I can enjoy J Pop. Probably not all or even most and don't consider myself a fan of the genre, but I sure can dig some of it quite a lot. I think it's because I can't understand the singers and the voices are just part of the musical landscape more than than the wince-inducing tripe

Freaked. I love Freaked. I don't expect anyone else to, I know it's stupid, but it makes me laugh and I think it does exactly what it meant to do. No one has ever started a fight with me about it, but, fuck, I would totally fight someone over Freaked if I had to. I mean I would grab them by their hair, twist it around

The Matrix
I didn't even have to think about this one— it was by far the most destructive movie disagreement that I've ever experienced (that wasn't based on a misunderstanding… damn IM). It was a friend, she'd seen it, loved it, and told me it would blow my mind and that I'd never understand what was going on and

Placeholder, you've actually convinced me that he's a pretty decent actor. I can't even read that. Shit. It reads like someone jotted down the gist of what the dialogue was going to be. Fuck, that reads even worse than I remembered it from the mooovies.

I wondered if they settled on a name for the director first.

Deaf mute in The Stand. That has to be worth something.

When I was born the doctor said that I would have red hair. My dad said that he would kill me if that were the case. Clearly, since I'm writing this now, I do not have red hair.

Archmage made me nose-laugh snot onto my upper lip.

It's an endoskeleton— just wanted to get that out of the way.

I'm not saying it's the best, but it does have a couple of my favorite lines at the end

Yeah, it said it was 'for diarrhea' so I drank the whole bottle and nothing happened. Then, like 3 days later, I pooped out a brick.

You should shine your pants, Beavis.