
Buy it. If you don't like it, you don't like fun.

I'd say Modern Warfare was better satire, but this was the hardest I've ever laughed at the show.

I giggled like a schoolgirl throughout this. It was utterly wonderful.

What the hell was the point of the chimney sweep challenge, besides lengthening the episode?

That sentence sucks. If he had put Boston Rob, his spelling of Boston would probably have been entertaining.

If he had put Boston Rob, that would have been entertaining.

I think that's the first time I've seen that challenge. I liked it too. Even though I'm not a David fan, he did really well for holding on with one leg.

The Zapatera members just don't give a shit anymore, especially Steve. It's hard to watch. Phil is the one man who's keeping this entertaining. And next week he plays the race card.

Troy Aikman, who suffered a number of concussions with the Cowboys, has basically said that a way to cut down on concussions would be to either get rid of helmets or simply use the old leather ones. Since players have these newer and "safer" helmets, they think they can lead with their head and nothing will happen to

That show was bad since the celebrity guests were usually awful at improv. Since they were the focal point of the show, it was pretty unfunny.

Drew Carey's Green Screen Show
Let's discuss how bad this was.

Josie Lawrence did one episode of the US version, and she makes every other female ever on the show look incompetent. Greenwood had a handful of funny moments, but she mostly was a foil to (a usually funny) Colin or Ryan.

I kind of do feel sorry for him, but I also agree that with his own words when he said he isn't very good at the game. You don't tell one of the best players this game's ever had that you've been considering some grand plan to vote him out and not expect any consequences. That's not good strategy, that's just stupid.

The Lawrence Welk Show
Someone explain to me the joke behind this sketch. Kristin Wiig has tiny hands. That's comedy?

Rob's tribe is made up of idiots and Grant (who never talks), so it was exceptionally easy for him to waltz into the position of leader of the tribe.

And also, there's an absurd amount of trolls on this review.

Who are Sam and Diane?

I also am mixed on this episode. It was pretty good, but it wasted anyone not named Jeff or Abed. But the references of pop culture references were wonderful, so yeah.

Cuddy is such a horribly written character that any female is probably going to appear better than her (except perhaps Masters, who also is awful.)

Hero Worship is the one where Data becomes a mentor to a little boy whose parents are killed. It's isn't terrible, but it's extreme meh (like a lot of this season).