
That role was originally offered to Robin Williams. Would that have been hell or entertaining?

Not a bad analogy there, Eponymous.

I think Rob is smart enough to know how to control people and wield the idol at the same time. Far smarter than Ralph, who I liked before last night. Now I just think he's a dumbass.

"there is limited opportunity for personal betterment or career outside of Star Fleet"

Not a bad comparison, as I really disliked that Who 2-parter. Cold Blood was about 10-15 minutes of story stretched to 42 minutes, where nothing really happened until the end. Much like these episodes.

I've always hated that scene, as it's just obvious time filler and bizarre for Picard. It is well acted, but just mind boggling how that made the final cut for that length.

Majel Barrett wrote a letter to the Star Trek magazine during the 7th season of DS9 where she basically said that Gene would have hated the Dominion War arc.

The Borders closest to me has redesigned its floor plan about five times in the last two years, and the current format appears to have been designed by some drunk who was given a night to do whatever he felt like.

Failed pluralization in that first sentence: one and a half *seasons.

It was a fun, stupid show in its first one and a half season, then it just became stupid and was one of the most stretched out plots I'd ever seen on TV. The characters were interesting and strangely compelling, but then they went to jail in Panama and I stopped caring.

I hated what they did the previous 2 years, where they had some person who won this award twenty years ago suck the dick of a person they may have met once and say how they're not just a great actor, but a great person as well. Especially when you know who is going to win.

No, no more Steve Martin. He was awful in 2010 with Alec Baldwin. Why do they even need a host to tell lame jokes about movies? Who gives a shit? Before the Globes got Gervais, they had no host, and the show went faster (even though they're still the Golden Globes, so they still suck).

They technically have aged, as they're played by different 2 sets of kids (who do look exactly alike, I will admit).

Tibetans probably makes the most sense, though you can throw pretty much anybody in there at one point throughout DS9. Were you oppressed? Then your story will be built into some sort of Bajoran subplot.

As great as Kira was, I'd love to see Ro in "Duet" from S1 of DS9. Fantastic stuff.

I don't think it will be the same, because that would make it far too easy for someone to understand exactly what to do after one or two versions of it. They've always pushed the idea of the challenges being fair for each participant, so I can't see how they'd do the same challenge over and over.

I definitely think he's going to be here for a while, since Rob has him by the balls. He'll do anything Rob tells him to do, meaning it won't be hard to keep him in.

The Original Series is on CBS.com for free, and I have no idea why they've never put up the other shows.

Scott Bakula
He is so disappointed.