
It's not necessarily horrible, it just hits a bunch of bizarre, groan-worthy TV cliches that stray so far from the realistic portrayal of life in season 1. The acting's still great though.

There's a reason TVTropes calls it "Flanderization." Terrible change to a great character.

The best part of this episode is Danny Devito's voice translating baby talk. His reading of "Oh, there you are. Very amusing" is absolutely perfect.

Can I see your copy of Swank, Armin?

And he was about 15 years older in just 5 years. They hand waved it by saying Klingons age faster.

It's on Netflix streaming. It's got a handful of good episodes, but beyond that it's pretty bland and dull.

Whitney. No doubt.

TechTV was one of the greatest channels of all time, with shows that were smart and funny at the same time. G4 has pushed the funny and dropped most of the smart, so we're left with nothing interesting.

When you're insulted by someone whose avatar is "Gary X Bitches," I wouldn't put too much into their opinions.

If G4 turned it back into The Screen Savers for just one day, I would be the happiest man in America. But they won't. So they suck.

I've stopped listening to This American Life, because they've been trying too hard recently to get stories to fit the topic, leading to a whole lotta crap this year.

That might be what I hated the most about Voyager's treatment of the Borg: they made "unassimilation" so easy, like it was done everyday in the Delta Quadrant. Everyone seems to regain their independence after a while.

And that's why you don't shake soda cans before opening one, dude. But there's no need to throw a tantrum.

Exactly. Fox or ABC offered him a bajillion dollars to take an 11:30 spot, but because he's so in love with the Tonight Show (even though his fans aren't), he basically screwed himself over. Then, in 2009/10, by not moving the show to midnight, he dug his own grave. Nobody really gives a shit when the Tonight Show

Favorite Sideshow Bob
"Cape Feare," if only for Homer cutting the brownies/and the new chainsaw and hockey mask.

This is pretty good. Where's Morn? He still hasn't gotten back to me on his thoughts about fighting hyperinflation.

And you could argue that the portrayal of women took a definite step back with Voyager, since Janeway was the most inconsistent character on television while 7 of 9 was brought on for the teenage males to fap to while watching.

Some of TOS S3 is good and fun, like "The Enterprise Incident" and "For the World is Hollow…"

She's back in Generations and Nemesis, but it's better to just forget about them and pretend they never happened (especially Nemesis).

Second Chances next week?
Now I really can't wait to read Frakes' and Sirtis' takes on that one.