
I wouldn't have a problem with multi-camera sitcoms if there hadn't been so many terrible ones in the past decade (I'm looking at you, Still Standing, Yes Dear, and According to Jim, among many others). The use of tired, lazy jokes on shows like that soured me on the format, while great shows like Arrested Development

The entire time I was watching The Tree of Life, I felt like I was watching a movie. Not until the end (with Sean Penn on the beach) did I really "connect" with it, and even then I'm not sure I cared.

L.A. Noire is a decent game that's far more interested in being a movie. I beat it, then sold it, and have no regrets doing so. By the end, I was playing it to get it over with.

I'll agree that the Cardassians are better enemies overall; I think they're the most well-developed alien race in the whole franchise.

Since the Klingons were basically pushed off to the side and made allies in TNG, the Romulans became the fun, treacherous enemy. Not all of it works, but they're great villains for Picard and co.

Die Hard on the Enterprsie is the greatest description of this I've ever seen.

A guy with my name was a VP at Alltel Wireless.

I want to really enjoy this
But hearing how this isn't much more than Shatner fellating himself is very disappointing, though not necessarily unexpected.

This is one of the best ones yet.

Birthright would be a lot better if it was one episode, but instead it's a really stretched out two-parter.

Part II of Birthright is weird, because it totally drops the Data plotline. Of all the stretched out two-parters, this one is probably the most egregious.

There's a big difference between getting a piece of undercooked, shitty salmon and not liking salmon but ordering it anyway. The salmon could be great; just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should get your money back.

This article is why I hate Page 2:

Sportsnation, with Colin Cowherd?

Simmons' problem is that he seems to be more interested in being his own brand than being a good writer. By giving him his own website, he's made the next step towards that.

PTI is still pretty good, though if there's a guest host it's usually awful. But Kornheiser and Wilbon play off each other so well that it makes for good entertainment.

Reviews of television shows = serious business.

Oh dear God
Not the Family Edition of Amazing Race. That is probably one of the worst all-around seasons of television I've ever seen, reality or otherwise. If this is reminiscent of that, I'll quickly lose interest.

The discussions about Jellico (especially regarding Part 2) should be great.

What did I just say?