Neo-Con Aquaman

I told these dumbasses at DC that the emphasis should be on my FACE. I am not one of their chickenshit superhero monkeys that needs to wear a mask. Put the bright orange and green up by my handsome face and gold hair. But NOOO… they needed to go all gritty on the top, making me look grimy. WORSE, they put the green

I keep sending DC Polaroids of Aqua-Lad with story ideas written on the back, yet they don't give a comic to him! So tired of you land-dwelling racists. Glad you jerks are running out of water.

Does Mariah Carey have big boobs? I honestly can't remammary.

I enjoy 'Showgirls' as high satire. Verhoeven clues in some actors to what he's doing. Others he leaves in the dark. The rape scene is harsh and jarring and could be taken out. I get the visceral repulsion many have to the movie but mostly it's funny.

I want a prequel building up the backstory of Lenny Kravitz as a rebel haute couture stylist.

Back in the U.S.S.R., The BEATLES skip YOU!

Aquaman: Kall for Kelp

The screenplay I approved involves surface-dwellers trying to offload their Mexicans and Canadian-style socialism onto Atlantis, and we fight back.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck doing these tuna fish in a can commercials. Some of these fish are my friends! So humiliating. Thanks, Obama!

Greg Morris or GTFO.

The Catholic Church LOVED Mussolini - he gave them Vatican City. Neat-o!

Stalin went to seminary.

In 1973, NBC approached me about doing a t.v. show telling of my adventures. I told them: "Either get Donald Sutherland or George C. Scott to play me, or you can fuck off." They said they didn't have the budget. I answered: "Then fuck off." Away they went.

This should be retitled: "Songs You Would Get Beaten Up To, or Songs You Beat Up Others To". Though, in the A/V Club it's probably 100% the former.

The reverence Peggy Carter holds for Captain America's blood matches the vials of blood I store of all of my exes. I plan to mix their DNA and create an Ultimate Girlfriend from whom there will be no escape!

I thought that was a camera on the other side of the bathroom mirror, but Mera said I was just being paranoid.

If it were Will Ferrell motioning to rush the stage, would people be calling Will Ferrell a twat?

Take the shot.

Ser Pounce is saying he can carry that load 7-8 steps, no problem.

Antichrist is in Revelations and Satan is in Job and tempts Christ. I think. I'm not actually getting up from my chair or typing a Google search for that, though.