They aren't? THANKS OBAMA!
They aren't? THANKS OBAMA!
Will Doomsday merely be a modified General Zod?
I still hope Fear the Walking Dead finds a cure for the zombie virus, and everyone in the country gets better. Then the regular Walking Dead is about how no one thinks to check the southeastern part of the country to let them know everyone else is fine.
I want them to pair up with Frank Langella as Nixon, and Kurt Russell as Elvis, and the four of them star in a crime caper. 2 Nixon 2 Elvis?
"Oh won't you PLEASE take me HOOOOOME…to Golden Corral. YEAH. BABY!" (Duff & Slash dish up green salads)
I had greater hopes for a film that looks to be about flying starfish.
There as a shot of two storm troopers wearing full-coverage white visors that made it look like they were blind and would walk into each other if the shot lasted another 1-2 seconds.
Full of Bruce Springsteen signifiers. Good, funny stuff!
My 12 y/o daughter also remarked on the lack of handrails, and figured one or both of them was doomed due to lack of safety standards.
And I was glad that Finn didn't hold his secret from her for the whole movie.
It is really, really, super-duper hard to watch.
"I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit." - Han Solo
Harrison Ford has been grousing for years about how Han Solo should have been killed in "Return of the Jedi". He finally got his wish. And doesn't have to spend another six years on the next two episodes. Think he'll send taunting texts to Hamill, Fisher, Mayhew, and Daniels?
"Why is the stirrer for this drink a Jell-O Pudding Pop stick, Mr. Cosby?"
Wookie crossbows?
Say you wanna be startin' quadragintuple? You got to be startin' quadragintuple.
This works as a soundtrack for "The Shining".
Ford is my kind of curmudgeon, fearless and inventive.
Title crawl will be in emoji.
In Turkey, WEBSITE streams YOU.