
Hm hm hm. That's a fine man right there.

I've noticed that people of the Enchanted Forest take love at first sight really seriously. It's very unsettling and screams over attachment.

You originally didn't say that immigrants caused genocide. You said immigration caused genocide. One is a noun and the other is a verb.

He does have a massive ego. I'm glad he's finally getting called out on his hubris this season.

The natives didn't immigrate. They were forced to migrate to a horrible location thousands of miles away from their homeland by people who desired their lands. Those instances were due to the idea of "Manifest Destiny", and extreme racism towards the native Americans. Then those same people forced them to migrate to a

Mako is a pretty 2-dimensional character, in my opinion. Granted, he has displayed some great characteristics this season, but Bolin has always had layers and is a pretty stand up guy (except when he was trying to get Ginger to kiss him. That was pretty gross). Bolin also has the advantage of having an adorable ferret

I feel like the writers are trying to make her out to be some 1970s police chief, which really doesn't her character very well. Making out Mako to be the archetypal rookie though, was a great move.

I've always thought Bolin was more attractive than Mako. Is it the brooding?

So I'm not the only one who thinks that the animation has been a little off this season. That's good.

Wait, are you saying that immigration causes genocide?

6'5". But if you were to see me in person, you'd be like "holy shit." I'm like a moving wall of fleshy goodness. Sadly, not many guys desire so much manliness…. D:

But that whole scarf and smell thing was weird. She became addicted to the smell… hmm. I wonder if Abby has any other powers? From reading about next week's episode, it is possible.

I just kept thinking that why hasn't Abby asked Alex to have sex with her? Technically Abby has a power, so Alex could just remove it any time.

Yup, apparently so. I was as surprised as you were when the workers told me that I could. (This is before I discovered my homosexuality)

No no no, I'm not talking about the size of my penis. I'm talking about my body in general.

I was just trying to lay out my proportions. People think I weigh less than I actually do just because all my proportions match up properly. I just happen to possess twice the mass of your normal person.

I'm almost twice the size of the average person, in both girth and height. So I can give more.

Yeah, I'm interested in where you found it to. For, uh, academic reasons.

Not being able to give blood over my sexual identity infuriates me. Not only am I O+, but I can give twice as much blood as a normal person. If that policy were to change, there would be a big increase in blood donations.

“Give me a break. As a doctor and scientist, I know one thing for sure: When you’re dead, you’re dead,”