
Maybe Dan is responding to the general ire of him talking about how wonderful his life is by giving us car crashes and depressing tales of BSDM?

That's really depressing.

We all know that the big-ass Western robot is a euphemism for something else. But what it is I wonder….

*goes off to purchase book on tantra*

Tell me about it. The diaper one was freaky.

Yeah, my life is pretty pathetic as well.

As a gay man, I can affirm Dan's claims that his husband has a fine ass. It's the filet mignon of derrieres.

I hear that she plans on entering the red carpet from a woman's virginal womb.

If I found out one of my children had a diaper fetish and routinely hid his/her soiled diapers in various areas of the house, I'd be freaking the fuck out too. I really have to make sure I marry a guy can offset my squareness …

@avclub-2d670fb2174bd9c75eaec331515ad401:disqus Those tattoos are real.

Rather than NPNH just telling his brother not to see his boyfriend anymore, he should explain why his relationship is unhealthy. I find if parents just level with their kids rather than go with the whole "because I said so," children will be more likely to listen to their parents advice and therefor be smarter for it.

Dear Savage Dik,