Three time loser but otherwise

"A Thorn Tree in the Garden" is about Bobby Whitlock's dog. Seriously.

Patton Oswalt's twitter
Has the best Charlie Sheen show reactions.

I kind of sympathize with AMC, honestly
AMC isn't shitty CBS churning out the same, generic money-making cop show every season. They took a huge risk on Weiner and Mad Men, and it's not unreasonable for them to want to squeeze a bit more money out of a very expensive show that will never be a ratings monster. To me,

The virus
Will originate from North Korea, not China, guaranteed.

Max Brooks doesn't necessarily have anything against Atlee. He was writing a character.

Disgusting old bag of shit Gore Vidal, for one:

The thing is, Sheen was violent with women BEFORE his descent into high comedy, and that didn't stop people from tuning into his shit show week after week, and it certainly didn't stop CBS from continuing to pay him millions of dollars. It was only after he started making a public ass of himself that people got upset,

Let me change that quote around a bit, using Spike Lee's logic:

Gene Simmons
Not a tough interview, per se, but the douche chills I get from listening to him speak are intense. I've never heard a guy so convinced of his own intelligence with so little justification for it. Here's his interview with Terry Gross:

Harlan Ellison
I just read the 1998 interview. What a cuntface. He bites the interviewer's head off for giving him an opportunity to talk about his new work (Ellison seems to really not understand self-promotion and how important it is for an artist to be successful) and then acts like the fact that he has to work is

The best interviews
When I think of interviews that I've actually enjoyed, they tend to come from successful character actors (Random Roles) and comedians (WTF podcast). Comedians make their living by having interesting things to say and generally have enough self-loathing to know some humility, and character actors


I'd like to try AnCnoc, but unfortunately I live in a state run by religious fascists who consider the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a manner they disapprove of to be a grievous sin against their deity. It's really hard to get your hands on some of the more uncommon malts with Georgia state liquor shipping

I'm sorry, that's Glenmorangie 10, not 12.

PROTIP: Avoid Macallan. It's a decent malt but other Speysiders like Aberlour do the same thing cheaper and arguably better. The Macallan 18 is comically overpriced at upwards of $150 a bottle. The best thing Macallan has going for it is its name - it will certainly impress guests, but there are better investments

Talk about a ball-buster!

douche chills.

Whatever influence Smile may have had on the development of popular music a la Sgt. Pepper or Pet Sounds obviously never came to pass, so it's really hard to evaluate the material as you would anything else that might have come out during that era.

Smiley Smile contains a lot of Smile material, some of it not quite in the shape that Brian Wilson had intended, and a lot of material that would've never been on Smile at all had it been properly finished.