Three time loser but otherwise

That guy (VaatiVidya) himself is pretty controversial within the Dark Souls community - there's been some pretty good evidence put forth that he plagiarized the work of other Dark Souls youtubers in his lore videos.

With Dark Souls II, the gameplay wasn't as tight (lots of wonky hitboxes), the level design wasn't as good (not bad, just not brilliant as the design in Dark Souls frequently was), and PvP was pretty badly broken for a long time thanks to soul levels.

Alternative explanation - Rinko Kikuchi isn't a globally-recognized, bankable superstar whose last solo vehicle did over $450 million globally and who has had a major role with a lot of screentime in 3 of the highest-grossing superhero films of the past five years (over $3.5 billion globally).

Louis CK is definitely a huge Lynch fan. Check out his short film Ice Cream from around 20 years ago, it may as well be a comedic remake of Eraserhead.

Good digging! Now do the same thing for a prominent white male and you have a career at Gawker Media waiting for you.

Yup. Vodka is great for it's original purpose - being tossed down the esophagi of Russians and Slavs in 4 oz servings - but for mixing or sipping it sucks.

Everything M. Night Shyamalan directs is a vanity project.

I decided to do a Philip Seymour Hoffman double feature, and watched this and Doubt alone on a Sunday afternoon while my parents were out of town and I was watching their house for the week. What a life-affirming day that was.
The thing that hit me the hardest initially was the daughter storyline. I cannot imagine the

Video for the above comment, should be timestamped:

The low capital gains tax isn't such a great deal when you consider that it doesn't adjust for inflation. The wonderful thing about our capital gains tax structure is that it doesn't encourage long-term investing, since the tax rate on your gains is the same whether you hold for 10 years or 1 year. In the hedge fund

Funniest part of this clip is the sketch of Krieger's girlfriend on the chalk board.

You didn't miss much. He came to my middle school and he was just such a douchebag. He was trying to connect with the kids and was referring his father's spankings as "butt-whackings" over and over again and it was just embarrassing, even for a 7th-grader with extremely underdeveloped social skills. Also, he got

The worst part is that somewhere an internet commenter has used the expression "they're laughing all the way to the bank!" in reference to criticism of this song.

He got kicked out of the Yardbirds and drove Rod Stewart out of the Jeff Beck Group. I think if he had managed to hold on to Stewart he would've had a hugely successful band.

Yeezus was misogynistic from almost beginning to end, but "Blood on the Leaves" is so awful that I'm embarrassed listening to it alone on my headphones.

Don't try to pull this bullshit on people who have actually listened to her solo work. "Don't Worry Kyoko" is not "heartbreaking" in any sense, since there is no element of pathos in the song that communicates recognizable human emotion in a meaningful way. It's just fucking Yoko screaming over some perfectly

I do too. The police found no incriminating images on his computers.

I always assumed Potato Bacon Bombs were more like the Deep-Fried Potato Skins you get at places like T.G.I. Friday's. Still a fine effort!

God, a thousand times yes. That word gives me the fucking douche shivers.
