Three time loser but otherwise

Her media appearances are amazing
She was on Anthony Bourdain's show a while back, and she got him to try some Lake Trout.

The video mix is better than the album version.
For one reason - no fucking Fergie verse. Is there an uncensored version of this video anywhere to extract the audio from?

I think the fact that Ron is often presented as a bit of a caricature makes his more human moments all the better. Think of his "emotional tourist" speech to Leslie about her lawyer boyfriend last season, or advising April to quit stringing Andy along a few episodes back. Those moments felt a lot more poignant coming

While she sounds like the most logical choice, she may be a bit too edgy/sexualized to appeal to the older women WB undoubtedly wants to pack the theaters with. Everyone's mom liked Whitney Houston in 1992 (before Bobby Brown and drugs) - can you say the same about Rihanna now? I don't know if there's

I think the LDS Church has rules to limit the power of revelation - basically, the old men running the Church are the only ones allowed to receive revelations that set doctrine, while individual Mormons can receive revelation but only to provide them with guidance in their personal lives. But of course these rules are

Denny O'Neill is still alive…

There's nothing wrong with The Macallan. Not every occasion calls for a peat bomb - I've found Macallan to be an excellent drink on holidays or times when many sweets will be consumed.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to see the connection between meat and peaty scotches - I find the finish on Laphroaig and Lagavulin to have strong hints of smoked meat.

Always. I drink Laphroaig but I prefer Lagavulin. The long, dry, smoky finish is probably the best thing I've ever tasted as far as alcoholic beverages go, whereas Laphraoig has hints of sweetness.

Lagavulin 16
Was the scotch on Ron Swanson's desk at the end of the episode, and really, why wouldn't the greatest man on the planet drink the greatest drink on the planet?

It's not every popular comedian ever. It's unusual to see a comic completely rebuild his act from the ground up after more than a decade in the business. If anything the tendency is for comedians to make their material less challenging and more hacky after initial success (see Jay Leno).

Louis CK
He started off as kind of a surrealist comic, with a lot of sounds effects and helped pioneer the absurdist, off-kilter comic sensibility the became the hallmark of Conan O'Brien's late night shows with Robert Smigel. He also wrote some really great stuff on the Dana Carvey show and for Chris Rock. Not a bad

Tom's ex-wife
Is kind of an awful person. Dating the friend of an ex who still has feelings for you is one thing, but showing up at an event and acting all lovey-dubey around him is incredibly inconsiderate, especially after the guy did a huge favor for you.

I assume the title is a reference to Cage's IRS troubles (he owes back taxes).

Good for him
I think in 500 years we're going to look back at the way mental illness is currently understood the way we now look back at medical practices during the Middle Ages. For all the progress we've made in psychology and the provision of therapy and antidepressants, we still haven't really made much of a dent

I Think I Love My Wife
Not a great movie (surprisingly, since Louis CK co-wrote), but goddamn if she wasn't the sexiest woman to ever walk the face of the Earth in it.

I think both popular Christmas songs by Beatles are pretty terrible. "Happy Christmas (War is Over)" is pretentious and factually incorrect (war is not over just because the audience for a John Lennon song wants it to be) and "Wonderful Christmastime" is simply irritating.

Ugh. The whole "The Pope was a Nazi!" argument is so besides the point - Ratzinger has done enough evil as an adult to where it shouldn't be necessary to focus on the things he was forced to do as a young man.

The eligibility period is September 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010, hence Kanye's album being left out and Empire State of Mind (October 2009) making the cut.

"Uh, compared to the NFL the quality of play in the SEC is worse than girls' middle-school volleyball."