Three time loser but otherwise

My Humps - Evil?
We all know that My Humps is awful musically and an assault on the ears, but less remarked upon is the downright cunty message of My Humps - that attractive women should contribute to the overall level of misery and loneliness in the world by using their assets to extract as much fun and material

Some of Dane Cook's calls on Crank Yankers were pretty funny. That said, he was apparently ripping off material as earlier as 1998 - there's a bit he did about watching animals have sex on the Discovery Channel that was taken from another comedian.

Shooter is pretty fucking terrible, but it's worth watching to see how weirdly it combines right-wing survivalism with left-wing paranoia. Also, Kate Mara looks pretty good in underwear.

I don't think it was so much that Florence was out-of-tune (though it certainly was that, particularly in the opening section of the first song). I don't know much about the rest of her material, but the note selection on the first song was pretty dreadful - it probably wouldn't sound very tuneful if you were to

He was also probably associated with the black-supremacist Nuwaubian cult in Georgia.

That's totally untrue - only one-third of the money allocated to prevention was required to be spent on abstinence-only programs (an unfortunate but necessary concession to religious pressure both in the United States and Africa), a requirement that was removed in 2008, and the abstinence spending, though wasteful and

Kanye's statement was factually wrong
Bush may have been a bad President but the amount of money he allocated to fighting AIDS in Africa was unprecedented.

The Killers are the epitome of a singles band to me. To be fair, there are a few decent non-singles tracks sprinkled throughout their albums (at least the first two, I haven't heard anything past Sam's Town), but when they're bad, holy shit they're bad. See "Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll" (or better yet, just read the

Who says I'm just talking about riffs? Page stole plenty of those, too - although, to be fair, probably no more than any other blues act, British or American. Borrowing/reworking riffs and lyrics is an important part of the blues tradition - I'm an amateur harmonica player and I'll be the first to admit that I cop

"He's frequently an unlikable stage presence, as well."

Ironic that you chose Zeppelin, given the copious amount of stolen material in Zeppelin's catalog.

I like Stanhope, but his crazy-ass libertarianism is kind of annoying, and the stunt he pulled with Bristol Palin long before she was really a media personality ("let's raise money to pay for her abortion!") was kind of a lame move.

Just don't care for Hicks all that much…
I don't think there's anything Hicks did that Louis CK hasn't done better, but with an actual point of view rather than just reheated Chomsky. He's the comedian that I guess I was expecting when people started first recommending Bill Hicks to me. He's frequently an unlikable

Making Watchmen into a motion comic is as much a departure as it is making it into a movie. Moore and Gibbons designed Watchmen to utilize the advantages of the comic book medium, and that's why so many panels are absolutely loaded with detail - you can read at your own pace, taking extra time to absorb a particularly

Honestly, Generation Kill kind of ruined this for me
After hearing the way soldiers talk with each other portrayed realistically in GK, I can't take the warrior-poets in this movie seriously.

I feel like I'm having the exact opposite Glee experience this year to most people. I hated the season premiere so much I was about ready to give up on the show for good - after the smug little meta-opening where the show directly confronted its critics, I wanted to burn every Glee DVD I could get my hands on -

Oh shit, she was his mom? No more scotch and beer for me while I watch HBO programming.

I hate Jimmy forever now
If my wife looked like Aleksa Palladino and gave me blowjobs and steak cheating on her would not be high on my list of priorities. Douchebag!

I realized I was a bad person last night when I laughed so hard at Pete moving Miss Blankenship that I tripped my gag reflex and almost puked scotch all over my coffee table.

The religion-based nightmares
The Catholic Church I went to wasn't all that fire and brimstone, but I nonetheless remember being told quite clearly by a Sunday School teacher that breaking one of The Ten Commandments was a mortal sin, after I had reasoned that taking the Lord's name in vain was probably venial.