Three time loser but otherwise

A starring role in an HBO series actually sounds like a better job than the types of movies Dustin Hoffman is getting these days, actually.

Charlie Huston
Haven't read any of his books, but he wrote a solid Moon Knight.

And Chuck Norris facts is a rip-off off Vin Diesel facts, which is a rip off of the Bill Brasky sketches from SNL.

Ruiz was a loose cannon. He played it fast and he played it loose, and in the end he got burned.

The 30 Rock love is getting to be a bit much
Two writing nominations? There are probably at least a dozen Parks and Recreation and Community episodes that are better than the best 30 Rock episodes from the last season.

Why not?
It really would cost next to nothing, assuming the actors would be willing to work for cheap, it would take a very short time to film and I would think that the liquor product placement revenues alone would cover a significant chunk of the costs.

If Quantum of Solace is a harbinger of what's to come, I'm fine with shelving the franchise a bit. Casino Royale still works brilliantly as a standalone film.

A significant number of the early Wonder Woman comics featured the titular character and/or other women in bondage. When Fredric Wertham accused comics of peddling clevely-disguised smut to innocent young minds (not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you), he was actually right about Wonder Woman.

JMS has been a presence in comics for over ten years - it's not like they're just handing over the character to some Hollywood upstart looking for a gimmick job in comics.

OK ideas, but go further!
Wonder Woman is still just William Moulton Marston's spank-fantasy with a feminist veneer. The lasso has got to go.

Celine Dion is amazing.

Mayer has been around since 2001, if not earlier. He already had a fanbase in Athens my freshman year at UGA.

I enjoy mayonnaise, but I don't like the fact that I have to take the time to spread both mayonnaise and mustard from the same jar on my sandwich. If only there were a solution.

Neko is an American, so she can get away with it.

Have you ever been on stage? It doesn't matter who you are, or who nice you are, you'll never be as pissed off as you are when you get heckled on stage. Her reaction was restrained, if anything.

I still rank them up there. Even four more decades of Mike Love dragging the Beach Boys name through the mud couldn't tarnish the wonderfulness of their music.

Yeah, Brian arrives at the reunion…
…and, BOOM! Process server. Mike Love is a clever bastard.

Pretty cynical about the whole Tim and Eric thing
From the few clips I've seen it just hasn't really been my thing, but I actually really enjoyed this episode, the first full one I've seen. The whiskey probably helped, although it wasn't rye. I'm pretty sure John C. Reilly could read anything in Brule's voice and it

Friday Night Lights first season - "soapy"?
I didn't find the particular subplots Noel brought up to be particularly soapy - all three were drawn from reality.

The contention comes from the fact that the identity of Cleopatra's mother is not known with certainty, so at least 50% of her genetic lineage is unknown as well. That being said - the Ptolemies were an incestuous brood not particularly well-known for interbreeding with the locals, so Cleopatra if she were alive today