Howcome these articles almost never feature movies I can stream off Netflix? Don't tease me and then deny me instant gratification, AV Club!
Howcome these articles almost never feature movies I can stream off Netflix? Don't tease me and then deny me instant gratification, AV Club!
I don't agree with calling the guy "Bob 2.0." That implies that he's a better-built, upgraded Bob when he clearly was the inferior version. To me, he was just Cop Bob. And now he's Buffet Bob.
The one on the left is Randy Couture.
Pop Pilgrims 2015: Porn Pilgrims.
So, this… is a trailer for a trailer.
Sure, but nothing below the belt. Unless you ask really nicely.
I'm glad this movie was so successful. It took a Hell of a lot of balls for Marvel to take a chance on a guy whose previous superhero movie featured Ellen Page raping Rainn Wilson.
They filmed these movies at the campus I work on. I walked right by them as they filmed some of the scenes in this trailer.
We love you, Cameron. Thanks for a year of great columns.
According to the excellent 28 Days Later: The Aftermath comics, the rage virus was modified ebola.
Shitagi Nashi!
I think she's doing a damn fine job portraying someone who did something horrible, lied to protect herself, is rapidly falling apart as that lie destroys everything around her, and is still too afraid of the consequences to own up to it.
I think it's really sweet that they enjoy working together so much. Katey is a fantastic actress, so I'll watch her in whatever, but she's definitely had tons of opportunities to display her range in SoA. Disappointed as I've been with the show in general over the last few seasons, her performances have always been…
I watch this show with my best friend, who is a huge Carol/Daryl (Caryl?) shipper. She was certain there'd be some payoff to that this week, but she still wasn't disappointed.
You're not wrong. Look how happy they are on IMDb.
To me, the worst part of this whole episode wasn't the gratuitous shots of Juice being raped and commoditized. It was that, when Tully told Jax that he was raping a man whom Jax once (and not very long ago, in the show's chronology) considered a brother, Our Hero just laughed and said it was a good idea.
God, I hope it's good. Shyamalan was so, so good once.
Man. The kid who plays Abel is going to need decades of therapy after slogging through this awful mess of a season.
On the other hand, it's not unlike Hydra to sacrifice assets for a chance to destroy their enemies.