
Every time I'm getting ready to watch this show, I think, "Meh, maybe I'll skip it this time." Then, when it's actually on, it's the most enjoyable hour of television of the whole week.

I imagine Neveldine and Taylor reading this comment, turning slowly toward each other, and, simultaneously, saying, "Challenge accepted."

Huh. I feel like they've been saying "pussy" on TV for several years now. I've definitely heard it on Sons Of Anarchy, but that show gets away with a lot that other shows wouldn't.

The VGAs have always been bullshit, about which I have given zero fucks with only one exception:

The only decent scene in this episode, to me, was when Tony Curran and the rest of Indian Hills barged in to straight-up accuse Jax of murdering Jury. I hope and pray that that's a seed that bears fruit very quickly. I also hope that it doesn't end like so many other SAMCRO problems this season: With a pile of bodies

Lobster was once viewed as a cockroach of the sea (which it pretty much is) and thus fit only for consumption by the poor.

Usually, I lament the lack of Southern venues on these, but it's refreshing to see my city not only on a tour list, but right in the #2 spot. Too bad it's an artist I don't follow playing a music festival I have no interest in attending.

Cripes. This is exactly the sort of shit that drove Syfy into the gutter for so long.

Why are we even still watching this show? It's got worthwhile moments now and then, but they're buried under piles of pointless, sadistic brutality.

After Moses' comment about Bobby having balls, I honestly thought they were about to go the Theon route with him.

That brought a tear to my eyes. I love bats and I wish there was more we can do to combat WNS.

Major nitpick: No-one's "a scry." It's a verb, not a noun. It's just a fancy term for using a tool for divination. Crystal balls, tarot cards, mirrors, reflecting pools, knives-and-needles, these are all tools for scrying. The person who does the scrying is a diviner or a seer or one of the many other words for it.

So, one of the makers of The Blair Witch Project made an hour-plus Jack Links commercial?
I'd almost watch that. Almost.

Wait, Matt Lillard was on this show? If I'd known that, I might actually have tuned in.

When you think about it that way, being immortal does make someone a bit of a prat by default, doesn't it? On top of that, if you're an immortal, killing people just makes you a double-douche. It's bad enough that the guy's strutting around, lording his never-gonna-dieness over all of us, but he's gotta actively

If he's an immortal cannibal, can't he just eat chunks of himself to satiate his horrifying urges? It seems awfully selfish to me that this guy who's gonna live forever feels like he has to kill people when he could just go eat a steak or something.

I volunteer to review season 2, Sonia. Have your (former) people call my people and we'll make this happen.

I really hope this doesn't mean that the Treks are getting yanked from Netflix.

This and its replies win the AV Club. Here's your 1982 Subaru Brat.

At the very least, the movies shouldn't have North American characters spitting out Britishisms left and right.