
I hate Tulip's storyline this season. The first time we ever met her, she built a rocket launcher out of kitchen items and blew up a helicopter with it, for fuck's sake. How do you go from that level of badassitude to the traumatized sack of tears the show is portraying now? Tulip O'Hare is a lot of things, but she's n

As do I. It was a pleasant surprise to see a catchphrase I stole from a fellow derby announcer show up in the comments here.

I'm with you. This is one of my very favorite zombie movies.

Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals

He definitely speaks English. You can't get by in New Orleans if you don't. Note that he did start speaking English to Cassidy in this episode; I think that previously he was refusing to out of stubbornness. He wants to force his father to make an effort to understand him.

He couldn't go ONE GODDAMNED DAY.

Featherstone redirects the missile to destroy Harry Connick, Jr.’s
house. Which seems like a joke that would’ve been funnier ten years ago,
but sure.

He was also on the side of the angels in John Wick and Boondock Saints.

Oh wow. That looks totally delightful.

"Sorry I tried to fuck you. I didn't know you were my daughter!"

Well, enjoy your inventory juggling minigame, I guess. I suffered through that bullshit for full playthroughs of FO3, FNV, and Skyrim and I'll be fucked if I put up with that bullshit again when there's a painless way around it.

Hah, look at these suckas who put up with the bullshit carryweight restrictions in Bethsoft games when simply typing player.modav carryweight 9999999 into the console gets around that nicely and permanently.

Lauri and Anni are so fun. Truly, HPC is a golden gem of YouTube.

Did this show ever get good? I suffered through the stupidity of the first season, said, "Smeg this," and never looked back.

I really couldn't agree more. When you're the most-watched show in TV history, you shouldn't have to keep reaching into the big bag o' cheap tricks to keep your audience engaged. That's why Westworld and Game Of Thrones succeed where TWD is failing: They trust their audiences and don't insult our intelligence.

The best product of this whole franchise has been the Telltale game series, and even that is ending next year.

bring him back and then kill him for real

Was this show any good? I've been thirsty for a vampire series in the vein of Forever Knight ever since Being Human went off the air.

They would if Cave Johnson had thought of it.