Where is Inherent?!?
Where is Inherent?!?
There must have been a sale at Hot Topic.
We don't talk about Pepsi Clear since he joined Scientology.
So is this the curly haired fat guy that hasn't worn out his welcome yet or one of the ones we're tired of?!?
Yeah, I'd do her.
Masturbating fast and furiously.
I was looking forward to the second coming of your mom.
He doesn't have to, he's royalty.
Emilio Estevez wants to know if he can use this 'Sheen' name since no one seems to want it any more.
Make it so, Isaac!
Why do you think she calls it her 'ring of fire'?!?
It's a little late for that.
It's hard to go wrong with anything short of The Towering Inferno.
Parties are pretty much a consulate's only purpose so I'd suggest getting to know a consul general or two.
I liked it when they crossed it with The Love Boat.
I'd leak something on that 7/9 bitch!
Hey, bitch, put your clothes on!
I think it's even worse that it happened against America. It's the Mexican equivalent of the Red Sox vs. Yankees of the 20th century.
On the other hand the zebra stripes are pretty flattering on her.
Once I took a dump.