
My mom wore a wedding hat. These were things that were done, apparently. She did not wear it again on other occasions.

A good year for parental marriage. The wedding fashions were awesome.

Happy birthday! I went out Saturday for mine too (the real birthday was Thursday). Drinks all around.

Really, I've had good experiences returning stuff to ModCloth. Otherwise I'd never order from there, since nothing ever fits me quite right but it's so cute I try anyway.

I met Maurice Sendak's ghost. He's friendly and tries to help out.

I need to get shoes to go with a dress I'm wearing to a wedding in a couple of weeks. Thinking pointy '60s Joan Holloway-type pumps. Suggestions for stores/websites?


Herman or Lily? Or maybe an exotic Marilyn?

Dubliner is my favorite cheese and also my favorite food.

Today has been super weird. Drivers are stupider than usual, co-workers are more awkward than usual. Come on, people. Pretend like it's almost the weekend.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus Women are to blame for the failures of the entire state government? Oh good, we've finally made it.

It's gotta be better than the Hotel California. They let me check out, but I couldn't leave!

We are about 65% less crazy.

@avclub-35eca710783734c24b732c57f3943ad2:disqus That's a typo.

The extra B is for BYOBB.

Dunno, from my perspective it seems like everyone's birthday is in April and May. August 15 in particular seems like a rare birthday.

Yes isn't at this concert.

The The?

Thanks! Tonight there's live Rifftrax event mocking Starship Troopers, so that's the birthday plan.