Caruso Cannot Touch You

"Now taint I can get into."

I'm still gonna invoke Chekhov's Hammer here.

I'm gonna invoke Chekhov's Hammer here.

"It's good to be back!" and "Hopefully this support group won't end after 22 sessions" are two meta-jokes we can expect.

Why are we neglecting his awesome sax work in "Who Can It Be Now?"

Update: statement from Robbie Robertson:

"Why So Sensual?" I just did all your viral marketing for you, Nolan.

_A Hundred Miles Off_ is not magnificent but still pretty damn good. Simply for "Louisiana" and "Emma, Get Me a Lemon" alone.

yes, but not always, but often so

The most underrated band of their time.

He mainly did this because David and Elaine McClain are big Reggie Miller fans.

The AV Club said "no more podcasts," but thankfully they didn't say "no more VODKA!"

Spies Like Us 2: Hip Doctor, Hip Doctor

Might need to add this to my list of my favorite Guided by Voices songs:

"Mother love bone!" - what puppy says about its mother

Wasn't "Game of Thrones" an early name for Super Mario Bros.?

Great news! So when does this get released directly to DVD?

Also, as long as Skrillex DOES contribute a cover of "Holiday Road," I'm in.

As long Skrillex doesn't contribute a cover of "Holiday Road," I'm in.