Caruso Cannot Touch You

"Heroes" by David Bowie. 100000000000%. This is the answer.

Whatever keeps Norm paid and happy is okay by me


As pointed out by others: like, why make this in the first place? Just as a fun prank? If so, why choose Dennis Quaid, of all people?

I have a feeling that the outburst was real and this is a damage control video that Quaid and whomever put together with Funny or Die to save face. Some very slight differences in line readings, etc.

WIFE: Bobbbbbb, do you know who ate all the pies I cooked for the church bake sale?

Thought for sure this was gonna be "Love You on a Tuesday"/"Tuesday Moon" by Neutral Milk Hotel.

So it ends with them going back to the American Revolution to set up "Hot Tub Time Machine 3", right? Nice going, trailer. Nice going.

The Walkmen are my favorite band, and the 3 solo albums are nothing short of outstanding — this one especially.

Irrelevant the minute he dissed "Hey Jude."

I love love love Bruce Springsteen, but this is not a good album.

This suuuuuuuuuuuucks.

Ian Bairnson's solo on Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights". From the feedback that brings it in to the way it twists the vocal melody around to how it weaves in and out of the string arrangement. Beautiful.

I can't believe this album made it to release with such an egregious typo.


This week, in no order:

Okay, I'll say it - disappointing. A lazy, half-committed homage to "Breaking Bad."

i LOVE how quickly Terrence Howard backpedals on the "tig ol' bitties" comment.

Morrissey, it was really nothing.

I disagree. For being "surprised" by someone she used to work with and presumably hadn't seen in years, it seemed like she wasn't that pleased. Not even a hug! A handshake. And a weird "Nice to see you, too" exchange. Maybe not awkward, but certainly unenthused.