Caruso Cannot Touch You

I agree w/ everything you said, which is kinda my point. It felt like though he was voted for, there wasn't a sense that people were actively HAPPY that he won. Whereas if any of the other four nominated men had won, I can guarantee there would've been a standing ovation.

Did anyone else find it interesting that the only acting win NOT rewarded with a standing ovation was Jean Dujardin's?

Two Snails, a Girl, and a Peaceful Pace

You lost me at "mime artists."

I Heart Huckabees. "Is it a crime to look at Lange?"

I hope the prequel is about the horse.


Here's your title: Surreal Estate!

Wasn't this the rumored plotline for The Hangover 3?

Hey Broadway, you know that new shitty musical idea you been looking for? Well, LISTEN to THIS!

I'll save my money for when they auction off original "Marvin" artwork.

McConaughey at 0:34

mehs'd and re-used

Would you say that to Tom Petty?

Oh, what a big man you are!

""B-Boys In The Cut" is a classic funk groove that introduces you to Mike D, Adrock, and MCA's new names—Larry, Harry, and Gary, respectively—which seems like crucial information to leave to a bonus track, but whatever."

I should hate this, but you know what? I don't. I just think it's nice to see Tom Cruise doing something relatively light-hearted and normal, by Hollywood standards.

Shrek 5: Still Shrekin'!
Shrek 6: the 6th Shrek
Shrek 7: Shrek Who's Coming to Dinner?
Shrek 8: Rise of the Kraken
Shrek 9: 2 Shrek 2 Shrekious
Shrek 10: Search for Shrek
Shrek 11: Alien vs. Predator vs. Shrek
Shrek 12: ShrekShrekShrekShrekShrek

fuck the haters
Bret Michaels seems like a good guy who enjoys having fun and is very passionate about the shit he does, no matter how lame it might be to the rest of us. It's easy to mock the guy, but I've enjoyed "Rock of Love" and "Celebrity Apprentice" very much, and it seems like he's had a real bad go of it as

We heard you the first time.