sunday morning

Pregnant Nadia cheering on the girl fights (now I'm not bored).
The emoticon fight.
Jess attacking Cece with the breast pump, and Cece's suction cup bruises afterward.

Just watching this a year later. Realizing that at the end of season 3, Andrea had a pretty cute pedicure with pink polish and everything when she was trying to free herself from the chair with the pliers. And Brad Pitt had the sense to tape magazines around his arms in World War Z. I think it saved his life.

"All are punished." Will Shakespeare.

As we wind through the "final ride, some random questions I've had are still unanswered. I'd appreciate any theories or thoughts:
1) Does Jax wax? In every shirtless scene in the series (and thankfully there a lot of those), his chest is smooth as a baby's behind. Nice to know that he makes time for that level of

I know—remember a few seasons ago when Gemma threatened to turn Tara in for conspiring with her to get the crucifix to Otto, to keep Tara from taking the boys to Oregon for Tara's new job? Any grandmother worth her salt who really "cares" about her grandchildren would actually try to remove them from a life of

Viola Davis is a powerhouse, and she looks fantastic, but what is she 46? 47? The part about them talking about having a baby was pretty over the top, too, wasn't it?

THANK you. I had a moment where I thought, "Oh, no, they are not going to flash back to the scene where Wes caught them together in her office are they?….aaaand, yes, there it is."

Especially after Unser's speech to the new cop about how "smart" Jax is.

Kind of like Chiklis' character on The Shield. Everything was for family, but it was really of course for himself. Except done better in a better show.

It is making me wonder which semi-decent adults are going to be around at the end to take care of those two little boys.

Another incredibly intelligent piece of writing: Unser goes to take a nap, leaves his police case files about Tara's murder and his contract to work as a consultant FOR THE POLICE prominently on the counter for Gemma to find when she brings him a freaking cup of tea. If Jax weren't so incredibly hot I would have

Also, Silvio reading, "How to Clean Practically Anything." Priceless.

Also, Silvio reading, "How to Clean Practically Anything." Priceless.

Anyone notice the amazing mid-century modern furniture in all of the therapist's offices in this series? Just watching it now, with the scene that has AJ talking to his about the Somalian biker that his friend beat up. Shades of Mad Men?

Anyone notice the amazing mid-century modern furniture in all of the therapist's offices in this series? Just watching it now, with the scene that has AJ talking to his about the Somalian biker that his friend beat up. Shades of Mad Men?

I love this scene, too—-

Plus he's a pretty man—can't mess the face up too much.

Speaking of Helm's Deep, I am curious how much of tonight's Castle Black battle came from the books. Because I was pretty convinced that the tv Castle Black battle ripped off quite a few things from Peter Jackson's Helm's Deep scenes. It's been a while since I've watched LOTR…

Ask Red from Orange is the New Black…

"If I got a new pair of boobs he'd be all over me. But, they're really expensive."
"Yeah, and you've gotta get two of 'em."