sunday morning

I watched this because I actually enjoyed the movie version. I liked the movie and hated this. I can't quite get what they are going for—the lead actress is a lovely woman, but they have styled her into a porn star-bimbo type (with a beehive?). Everything is just so shrill and overdone and about 1/2 inch deep. Sara

Small thing, but I always appreciated that family members on this show look like they are related (Landy and his dad, Saracen and his dad, Julie looks like she could be the genetic offspring of Tami and Eric). Not always crucial but one more small level of authenticity for this show.

"What would Tami Taylor do?"

'I don’t care what your orientation or preference is—Taylor Kitsch’s line reading of “I can’t stop thinking about you, Lyla,” is one of the most romantic moments on television.'

One more fashion comment: Joan looked classy and smokin' in her all red ensemble.

Every interchange between Landry and Saracen in season 1 is pure gold.

Isn't he awesome? Remember when the train derailed near the school and Buddy is beside himself because the game may be canceled or delayed, and suggests that the reason is ridiculous? "Something 'bout toxic fumes," he says to the mayor, shaking his head in disbelief.

Absolutely. Great moment—she tells her to walk.