sunday morning

I think I agree—she was trying to do everything a young rebellious (teenage?) girl would do to piss off her father when he told her to get in the truck: arguing, then reaching for the most taboo thing to say, then pulling out a joint in front of him. Maybe it's more—and maybe we'll see—but as he growled when walking

I had to get the tissues at "will you marry me." Stupid allergies.

I hear you about the actor thing, and appreciate RDJ's wit and opinion, but suggest that you reconsider calling the position of kindergarten teacher a "lower position" than college professor. Apples to oranges.

Still remember sitting in the living room with my parents and watching this. It made quite an impression on me as a child. I hope they don't mess it up.

Yep. I don't think I can take it any more.

I like him a lot as an actor. His accent on Justified was hard to ignore, though. He worked hard in the role, but I could hear the NY underneath in every word.

Ken Cosgrove….last man standing?

Roger's mustache is terrifying.

I still watch and enjoy this show, too (just catching up on this season), mostly because of the actors' great performances. I used to want Jackie to get away with things, and now like you I think she is burning every single bridge that she has in the world and I am becoming disgusted with her.

I wanted to like this show—I love Lisa Edelstein. But it's hard for me to relate to characters who wear silk halter tops around the house in the middle of the day.

Agreed. I don't know when she transformed from drily funny and sharp to downright mean and nasty, but she has and I find it painful to watch. I used to admire her strength of character and confidence, but now I cringe at her—who would choose to even talk to her at this point? And poor Edith—she can be annoying but she


I think she's just little. Maybe she's a quiet little girl. Maybe they wait to film until she has just woken up from a nap or something so that she doesn't squirm and wiggle out of laps. Why does this mean there is something "wrong" with her?

You ARE getting pineapple! (Gloria was wonderfully terrifying—I loved that Manny and Jay turned tail and ran immediately).

Good lord, the moment when Shoshanna doesn't know how to respond to a collect call. And Jessa's indifference. Hilarious. Man, I'm old! How many people under 25 don't even know what a collect call is?

The biggest laugh I had was when Hannah just toppled sideways on her bike. This free spirit, riding around, "I am on a college campus now!" Then, bam! And I think she is confident at the party because she has done it before, and she is older than most people there. Respect—sorry you don't find it funny anymore.

I don't know, I laughed through this entire episode. I found each of the members of the workshop group a humorous, recognizable sort of archetype. I sat through many critiques as an MFA painting student (groan, I know..) and the number of times they devolved into the random or obsessive were too many to count. I don't

I'd give this a solid B. Sure, some of the plot points were ridiculous (like the watch thing—they could definitely do better), but it was quite entertaining and I am looking forward to episode 2.

I have seen these emojis on my own phone and always wonder, "Why would anyone send the turtle or the turban guy?"

And Nick weeping with joy, "I'm like a boy hooker!"