
You guys crazy?

not xenia

A) No, Roethlisberger's from Findlay

My lord, Todd. I love Community and I generally like your writing, but almost 3,000 words about a half hour TV episode? There's something to be said for brevity.


Something's holding this show back
I can't quite put my finger on what the problem is, but it seems like I'm only watching the show because it seems like it should be good and will be good, and I keep waiting for it to be good.

Come on, guys
5 of the last 6 inventories have been about music/musicians/albums.

Inventories about music
always terrible

No it's false

Is this the first fat comedy
or the last?

Does this mean Caprica is finished?
I thought it got better as the first (1/2) season went on.

I'd just like to buck the trend and say, well done.

I almost had an aneurysm
Then I remembered that Cape Feare is a Sideshow Bob episode but not a Krusty episode.

gonna hate

swing and a miss

Will this be
their first concert together?

failed fourths

Or First?

This review is, in many ways, extremely silly
Evil Reagan. Evil Sunday School. Evil 80s.

Well I'm glad that re-affirmed that it was an atrocity.