
Sean O'Neal
Get a haircut

I like Sam. Fuck you all.


Well…that episode was awesome.

Definitely confined to the Right.

It's not quite the same thing but Orson Scott Card's Ender series is pretty good.


Thanks for adding the 2nd review. Even though I've read the books I'm interested in a non-reader's perspective.

a couple quibbles
1) Daenerys and company aren't on an island, they're on another continent.
2) The war against Theon Greyjoy's family was the result of a rebellion after Robert had seized the throne, not part of Robert's rebellion against the Targaryens.

One simply walks into Hodor and gets a polite "Hodor" in response.

Clunky and artless - that's me through and through.

My primary soap opera memory
was the first time I watched Days of Our Lives

@WikipediaReader In other words you have no self control.

Yeah I thought he had a weird monotone delivery. Hopefully it'll get better.


Night's Watch, dude
You're sentenced to a lifetime on the Wall for calling it the Black Watch.

In which I bitch about the book being different
Is Renly in the TV show, or did he get cut out? Or did they just feel like having him show up with Sir Ilyn wasn't a good introduction?

Is there any writer on this site who isn't a far left liberal?
Just asking.

I really should get an honorary firstie on this one, brahs.

Well I love Game of Thrones and The Little Drummer Boy
so fuck you