Went through a period of nothing but Rufus, myself - the man's a genius.
Went through a period of nothing but Rufus, myself - the man's a genius.
I'm not sure how many times I need to write 'in the pilot', @avclub-66faa2bdc43adecc3c25e7f11352dd9e:disqus .
Maybe they toyed with the idea and dropped it.
I'm not saying he's gay, because there's a ton of evidence that he's obviously not.
I'll say again: In the pilot. That was the first episode of the show. A show is…
I don't actually see the Max thing and I don't assume people in shows are gay normally, either, but there WAS something gay about him in the pilot.
Not sure what it was, but it was there.
Okay, nothing to do with your actual comment really - although I can't wait for the latest Snatch Game - but is your name a Rufus Wainwright thing?
So now my motto doesn’t make sense? I wanna buy a condo with Wilver Valmerando?
Oh, that was just a masterclass in mean.
That poor youngster will be all over the kickinitteenstyle.com forums.
I'm still pissed that isn't a real website yet.
I assumed he was gay in the pilot, there was a definite vibe.
I wasn't that fond of Ron Mexico, didn't click for me.
But yeah, this one was pretty stellar.
I loved that there was a 'look at my rings' callback.
That and 'WE CAN'T URBADERN YOUR FRAZZLE-DAZZLE!' make Ellie my favourite character on TV at the moment.
It's like someone tried to make a Cher mask out of plasticine.
@avclub-1bf6967de9dde6cd60f8f894bf309d3f:disqus , I saw the Jessica Lange/Drew Barrymore Grey Gardens a couple of months ago and was blown away by Barrymore. Like she's normally pretty good and I like her enough that I'll be inclined to watch something if she's in it, but oh my god was she fantastic in that.
Yeah I know, I know, I'm being nit-picky…
Yeah, I didn't see Tom popping up as making much sense, either.
Though I thought there were a few things that didn't make that much sense, like the fact that Jules was still white trash seven years ago. So three/four years before the pilot. I get why they wanted to show Cletus-Jules and it was funny, but the the…
See, I'd be maybe okay if they used him sparingly and shaved his ridiculous fluffy chin, but he started off being used sparingly over in Connecticut, too.
Also, I've just learned how to properly spell Connecticut, so there's something.
Poor, old, unpronounced second 'c'.
EDIT: You already said he started off being used…
Oh yeah, I didn't mean that it was a bad thing, just something I wondered about.
She never goes in for cheap sentiment, which you can only see as a positive, really.
I forgot about them actually showing the renaissance wedding, but now I may have to go back and watch it, just for 'Yahtzee, I'm winning!'
*breaks from reality to dance with Kit, Lana and Peppahhh*
Why does ASP have an aversion to weddings, by the way?
She'll show the run up to it, but never the actual ceremony.
Is it because she thinks they're overly sentimental?
I suppose in TV, they're mainly used as 'AND NOW YOU CRY' moments, so I could see her not wanting to bother with that.
He was the one source of laughs in GG for you?!
…did you also like the town meetings and Taylor Doose?
I always saw the quirky townspeople as an unfortunate by-product of the show, something you'd have to sit through to get to the actual episode.
Didn't mind Patty or Babette in small doses and Lulu was okay, but… Kirk?…
Oh, he's the worst.
I realise he's never given anything to play but 'one-note quirky guy', but he plays it pretty damn infuriatingly.
For basically a bottle episode, this was a bit all over the place.
I liked it, but there were about 10,000 things going on in the same room and then… Hope Springs? Really?
I liked the coalminer dance, but the way it came about ("The other evacuation place has lots going on, let's give 'em a show!") felt a bit too Glee.
Where they named her Maggie Murphy for the sake of the episode title?
Man, I miss Charmed in all its trashy, hideous glory.