
Do you think?
I thought Joe's was pretty cool.
I don't think random 'unique' textures equate with a good design, like the judges seem to.
If she was muddling her way through the middle of the pack, I could buy that, but she's been in the top too often for how mediocre she is.
I do like that she looks like a grown up Lilo,

Does Patricia have compromising pictures of Heidi, or something?
She keeps turning in ugly craft project after ugly craft project and everyone marvels at how wonderful she is!
Like last week with the dangling gold squares dress? Really?
This week she literally just attached random flowers to string.

That Chris Pratt is hot, even when chubby?
Actually, especially when a bit chubby. 
I don't like him all toned, he looks like a douche.

Shut up, you sexy towny ho!

Andy Dwyer.
Hottest chubby guy currently on television.
Also, this episode just killed it. 
It marks the best the show's been since 'The Flu'/'The Fight'.

Well then I'm just really wrong. 

@avclub-1079a398bd93c75a38b50c1def45d0e9:disqus did it?! I can't remember it being shown on ITV2, though, either.

No, they have The Office on Comedy Central over here - England - and they just go with 'The Office US', which is pretty uninspired but efficient, I guess.

I can't dislike any episode that features Kirsten, who you can call whatever, but she hates that she's singing.

Maybe it'll turn out Rachel's been on the clock the whole time? Oh, that needs to be a thing.

I didn't love that last bit of Brick throwing away the card.
Wasn't it obvious that's exactly what he was going to do as soon as he started walking with it? 
But the episode in general was great.
Also, I really wish they'd let Patricia Heaton have better hair/wear a better wig. As far as I know, even when you're broke,

I mean, I don't think 'not making sense' is a prerequisite, but it can't hurt, no…

Yeah, it was a bit of a dicey area to get into, but I definitely didn't see it being as big an issue as it was made out to be here.

Ha, no @avclub-56792f930986581ccd9ec2e898a15e05:disqus  I meant what I put was the equivalent of like 'Way to go, Buddy. Good job', which okay, in my head is being said in a patronising way, like I was speaking to a child…
But that's not how I meant what I originally put to sound in the first place, which is why I used

Yeah, as I watched it, I thought 'well why's Michelle frowning so much? Ginny's singing is perfectly fi - oh, that's why, there we go.'

You shut your lying whore mouth.

Did you write that post/tumblr? 
It's some pretty good stuff! 
That totally sounded patronising ("Way to go, buddy!") but it wasn't meant to be.

You might be the only person ever to love Lauren Graham on Parenthood. 
Though maybe you didn't mean her character? 
I mean, she does the best with what she's given, but there's only so many times she can gaze off, looking slightly hurt, because she's trapped in an endless string of unhappy relationships. 
*sigh* Woe is

Well yeah, that's why I asked when it would be, figuring it would have to be sometime soon.

I thought the squirrel thing was verging on Taylor Doose ridiculousness, so I'm glad they kept it short.
Also, Sutton Foster can sell any song, can't she?
I must've watched her 'Maybe This Time' at least ten times.
When will they announce if this is renewed, by the way?
I figure because it was a summer show, it might have