
Yeah, I think that's why I stopped watching.
It had the opposite problem of Family Guy; it wasn't offensively bad, it could just be a bit blah.

Is it worth watching?
I gave up somewhere in the second season and saying it's better than Family Guy isn't really that much of a recommendation.

He couldn't maybe go over to The Cleveland Show?
Not like he could make it worse.
Just had a look at his writing credits, which include that Ricky-Gervais-as-a-dolphin episode.
Oh dear.

@persia2:disqus , yeah it's the schtick I hate, it comes off as too desperate and it makes me sad to watch her.
When she's not trying so hard, she's really quick and acerbically funny.

In hindsight, I could've worded it a whole lot better, yes.

@TMJW:disqus  No idea why, but I can't hate Kathy Griffin. She plays up to 'her gays', which is sickening, and her talk show is beyond bad, but she's genuinely funny when she's being off-the-cuff and not doing one of her 'bits'.
Okay, as I'm writing this I'm thinking about all of her bad qualities.
But you know what?

Like @avclub-7f7e803ee2d1481fd805f34086a52c37:disqus 's real-life wife?

Gritty like her son's now a meth addict and Diego's a male prostitute?
Maybe he's the one dealing Little John the meth?
The plot thickens…

I know that I'll watch it and that's the worst part.
The sooner it's over, the sooner I can forget the second half of it existed.

Ooh, I like speculation.
I definitely think it was a possibility and it's the first thought I had when I first heard about their split.

Yeah, as much I like Sean Hayes generally, taking over from Jennifer Hall and replacing the Ava show? N'thank you.

Apart from Cougar Town, it was the best fantastic-show-with-an-awful-initial-premise ever.
Also, Up All Night is officially fucked without the Applegate/Arnett chemistry; it was the best thing about the show.
But also also, good for her for getting out of it, because the new studio-audience retool sounds awful and I

*Imaginary hook hands*

Yeah, that straddly VapoRub scene will be the basis for my nightmares from now on, I fear.

What are they going to do if they reveal Howard's mother though?
Dub in any lines she has?
Carol Ann Susi - who I only remember as being in episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (shut up) - isn't a big lady.

The Tina thing has crossed over from being uncomfortable to 'I have to watch the scenes muted and mostly skip through them'. Eurgh.

Finn kissing Emma?
I don't even know what to do with that.
Anyone else notice that they were kind of doing an Erin/Andy/Pete thing, though? Have Will gone while Emma frets because she has all these 'important' decisions to make and Will isn't there and HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE WHITE FLOWERS!
Also, whoever called out

Okay, you just made me panic-Google.
It hasn't officially, right?
You're a bad person…

In context, the flying nun thing was a proper gut punch.

Oh yeah, @avclub-fe667cc638187e2a2ed9661c0b94f457:disqus . 
Like I said, I enjoyed it. 
Moffat's good at making a big ol' crazy spectacle, just not at making sense.