
"I don't know what to wear."
Surprisingly funny delivery from Bledel.

I love when Luke gets all papa-bear protective.
I especially love when the result of this is an attack on Dean, however piss-poor the effort may have been.

"Bates Motel: Come for the schizophrenic murderer, stay for the repeated sexual abuse"

I was convinced he was going to kill Bradley, which… he's going to at some point, right?

However easily the resolution was reached, I like that they haven't dragged the Shelby thing out for the whole season.
'Locomotive of sexual energy' is the best phrase in the world and I plan on using it whenever I can.
Man, Olivia Cooke looks a lot like Rachel Weisz.
Also, how is 'Weisz' pronounced?
Vice? Wice? Vites?

I've seen the first episode of the new season of The Big C - because I hate giving up on shows, even if they've descended into some weird, nightmarish state - and it really wasn't bad at all.
They've got rid of most of the stuff that was a complete disaster last season, though the way it was explained away would even

Whenever I think of Martha, it's with her hair tied up like a dead plant poking out of her head and that hideous red leather jacket.

And Libby's mother in Sabrina and Prue's boss in Charmed and… apparently I really enjoyed witch-based television when I was growing up.

Ah, Christine Rose - America's favourite middle-aged WASP.

Oh god, Emily is awesome in that episode.

They really did have great chemistry - much better than with Luke.
I prefer the Luke coupling, but they never looked they had much of a spark.

"She's telling my dad now. Why, I think they're cabbage patching!"
The mental visual of that is legitimately hilarious.

I'm not sure exactly why I felt compelled to watch this, but I did.
Wasn't the worst thing, I guess.
Also, when they went through Manchester, they showed the street I work on and I got overly excited.

Oh no, I get that - Community notification mock-outrage and all that - just a bit weird to get one for Gossip Girl but also my own fault for having it as a notification, so… yeah.

Okay, this is definitely my own fault for having a Gossip Girl notification, but… really?

Oh it's definitely up there.
I remember when I was in Sixth Form doing my A-Levels and we did this whole thing on the background of Sgt Pepper, because A Day in the Life was one of the songs we had to learn about in depth for the pop portion of the exam, and it gave me an even greater appreciation of the whole album.

Such an amazing album.
It's one of those rare albums you can listen to from start to finish without there being a single dud track.
'Dream of Sheep' was the first song I can remember listening to of hers and the whole album is just… special.

I feel like Sgt Pepper is one of those albums that's too easy to dismiss because of how iconic it is, if that makes sense, but it's amazing.

Very true.
And the last four tracks on UtP are like a fantastic little suite of their own.

It is a truly great song, but also kinda been overdone by every Idol/Voice/X Factor contestant.