Joey Tribbiani

I'm learnding!

I'm not really a Steve Miller fan, just someone who will occasionally listen to Fly Like an Eagle and Book of Dreams. It's true, their music is indulgent, but it's a guilty pleasure.

I'm curious, why don't you like Steve Miller?

The unplugged version has more emotional resonance for me, whereas the original is more blistering. I have no idea where the hate for the original coda is coming from - those are some of the most arresting, cathartic minutes in music ever recorded.

I'm also of the opinion that janet is good. It has 'That's the Way Love Goes' on it after all, and I always thought it was a very affecting album.

All hail MacPhisto! Can't forget about that tour and its painted VW bugs.

Sarah, Huggy Bear, Liz, it was a good year for female artists.

No mention of Blur's Modern Life is Rubbish?

The kazoos in that song cracked me up. He was definitely having fun and making great music at the same time.

Yes, my personal favorite on Unplugged is Rollin' and Tumblin'.

It's easy to see how you may have been overexposed to it, but the acoustic cover is as interesting as the original. It may trade the cathartic piano for the waltz tempo, but it's what Clapton does with his guitar in that song that makes it great.

Clapton Unplugged is not a bad album, it is in fact a great album, not that it necessarily added much to Clapton's output.

I don't think PDN really understood what early SP was going for, but I understand his viewpoint. There were people who liked 'Terrance and Phillip in Not Without my Anus' when it aired, and people who didn't. I'm in the former camp, and liked that kind of SP more than this one.

Could he BE any more gay?

I'd say seasons 1-9 hold up very well. Cracks start to show in season 9, but the show is only uneven to me until season 12( 'Major Boobage' and some other great episodes). That's when it started to disappoint me more then make me laugh. I think the show works best when it's an irreverent satire, and not a blunt

Well, the entire synagogue transforming into stereotypes as their voices change pitch is pretty funny in 'Passion of the Jew'.

It's been dire, and this was essentially a two joke episode, but I think they got those two things right: Van Halen and farts. It was nice seeing jokes stick without feeling forced or needlessly grating. A lot better than their recent approaches and it felt a lot more like earlier South Park.

I've been hard on South Park lately, but that Van Halen reveal made me fucking crack up. This is the funniest episode I've seen in a while.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

HELL YES!!! See you on the 16th!