Joey Tribbiani

Wah Wah syncs up perfectly with Fantasia. I know this because I was stoned.

Clicked on link, was satisfied that ohinternet is down.

I'm new to this site, why is your previous post "awaiting moderation?" I opened it and it is completely innocuous. I thought this was a place where people wouldn't flag at random, but this is the internet after all.

Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.

Your training, my tricks.


How you doin' little guy?

Is that a Silver Dildo Head doll in that guy's hands???

I like how the go-to defense for disliking a review here is 'they don't like it because they make fun of liberals'. No, that's not it at all - this review and most of the reviewers here are in it for the laughs. And this was lazy satire.

That's the good thing about hunting, you can hunt to eat! Money saved.

I still think the funniest thing he's ever done is Wizard People, Dear Reader. He deserves a public voice on the merit of that alone.

I honestly thought the first season was terrible, but that was coming from someone who had watched all his web cartoons. Has it improved?

"Gentlemen! What a collection of assholes!"

Bluebeard, Carolyn's Fingers, Cico Buff… mmm

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you guys do the Cocteau Twins, either Treasure or Garlands. I may never grow tired of them or whatever the hell Robin Guthrie is doing to his guitar.



He might want to close his mouth!