
This is the episode where Burn Notice becomes the A-Team.

This is the episode where Burn Notice becomes the A-Team.

You mean the *first* anniversary?

"What the shit, Sherlock!?"

The sound editing on the show is pure genius.  I freaked out when I heard that each character records his/her dialogue separately.  Wow.

How can "Skorpio" not be in everyone's top five?  That and "Blood Test" are my two favorites.

For this show it should be, "What the shit, Todd?"

Great story, drunksailor.

I've been disappointed by many films before, but Willow was one of the few to make me actively angry.  It's arguably the most derivative, uninspired piece of pap I have ever watched.

Just about the only thing that I enjoy more than the great set design and cinematography in BTK is imagining the looks on the Nikkatsu execs' faces while they saw it screened for the first time. On some level, you just have to admire the way Suzuki would give his bosses the finger more and more prominently with each

Clueless, give or take, I suspect holydoubleidentity is about college-age, if that narrows it down for you.

Oh please oh please oh please.

Indeed.  Space 1999, Hawaii 5-0, The Jeffersons, and the others mentioned in the article were awesome.  I guess we can't really count Happy Days since that wasn't written for the show, but they put a lot of effort into making TV themes that work as music back in the 70s.

I agree.  I think the main cast does a great job of altering the mood of their characters just enough to appear remote and mysterious to the protagonists of the show while still being familiar to us.  I think this was a great script idea, and the whole thing really paid off as far as I'm concerned.  This is without a

"This is what happens when you fuck the prime directive in the ass!"

As I recall, it was the Ramones.

Nice vacuous statement.  With *every* investigation you "investigate" up to a certain point and then stop asking questions.  If you didn't, then you'd never close an investigation, right?

Robot:  "Noooooo!   Why meeeeeeee?!"

Also yes.

Frakes,  your comments may not always be timely, but they're always worth the wait.