
"Eh, even Down Home Country Fried George W. Bush went to Yankees games."

Todd said, "I’ve chosen not to watch parts two and three, even though I have them here, so I can be on the same page as you guys."

If you didn't think that Season 2 wasn't one of the great seasons of any show of all time, then that's your business.  But, we probably don't have enough common ground to have a worthwhile discussion about anything.

Heck, the Doctor made more strides towards being human in the first few episodes than Chakotay did in the whole series.

@E.Buzz Miller, Astronaut Jones!

In answer to your query:  bland.

Similarly, Yojimbo is a must watch.

I see I'm not the only one that noticed this.

Tom S, you are not a moron. That needed to be said by someone.

"The 'A Piece of the Action' planet wasn't dysfunctional really. "

Johnny Johnson overstays his welcome.
Count me among the folks who think that the Johnny Johnson appearance in the three-part DB Cooper saga is comedy gold, as good as anything News Radio has done in any season. However, subsequent appearances of the character just don't work for me.
I'm also in the camp that

According to dictionary.com, the term was coined around 1905-1910, considerably before the time cited by noted scholar and historian, Tim McCarver.


That's the one. I guess it tries to depict Hitler more as pathetic than funny, but the whole movie comes off funny to me. I've seen Michael Bay movies that are more plausible.

Hitler—Dead or Alive
If I had written this article, there would have been a mention of the 1943 film "Hilter—Dead or Alive".

I think the word that best describes Zack is … rouge.

Star Door

I would watch Cookie_Monster's news (or media, or both) commentary show.

I think this review is a fair criticism of Olbermann, and I don't know if Beck is sincere or the most cynical person on television, but I believe that Olbermann believes that Beck is just that cynical. Hence the Lonesome Rhodes thing. That said, I agree that it's played out, but I believe the comparison is genuine,

It was a nice post. The "I bribed them" bit was one of my favorite jokes of the series, and Warburton's delivery completely sells it.