
I agree, ever since Todd left, POI has not been getting enough attention on the AV Club..

Person of Interest's "If-Then-Else"?!

Legitimate question: Why do so many people hate Fallon??

Was it just me or did Orphan Black totally steal some of the music from The Leftovers during the Sarah-Helena prison scene about Kira??

A director wanted a big action epic while the studio wanted a smaller character origin story? That's not something you see everyday…

The Following reviews need to start again. Those were some great reads.

Classic Ana Lucia move.

I need to rewatch Prison Break…..

Does anybody know the song?

I'm not usually a stickler for "end of year" lists but seriously what the fuck.

Person of Interest's snub in the top 35 in general is truly criminal………..

Person of Interest better be top 10……..

Kevin Smith Wears the Exact Same Shit His Entire Life

The worst.

Interstellar - fucking incredible.

To be fair, this is a newly employed writer's first episode on the show, which did kind of make it seem fanfictiony.

Can Person of Interest, aka the best show on Tuesday night, please be featured for once…………….

Wow I'm really gonna miss PDN's Person of Interest reviews…

Aaaaaaand the book ends here.