
Even though it's their highest quality program, besides The Good Wife.

The third season of Person of Interest blew me away. Fired on all cylinders and took it to a whole new level.

Let's be honest… How amazing was that Person of Interest finale?

lol wait so the person of interest finale is considered regular coverage?

I'm ridiculously excited for these two weeks of Person of Interest.


How can one speak American?



I thought this was a great episode but disappointed that it didn't take a more serialized route for its season finale.

B+ my opinion.



Seeing Agent Donnelly from Person of Interest made me extremely happy

Ugh that creepy guy/ terrible actor from those terrible episodes of Dexter and Homeland is back

There should've been fake booing for Dexter.

I lost 71 -7 yay

1. Breaking Bad
2. Person of Interest
3. Hannibal
4. House of Cards
5. Orphan Black

Holy shit I actually did, you may be right……..

I swear, I think Family Guy reused like 3 cutaways for this episode.