day to day

*Jamie Kennedy runs in, starts narrating Scream style*

Worse. He's the drummer.

I don't understand why Blow Out gets so much attention; it's barely in his top 5 movies for me, if that.

I think that's the wrong direction. Having corrupt or rogue agents doesn't address S.H.I.E.L.D. as an organization; it'd be no different than a cop show where one week the villain happens to be a bad cop.

Future generations will never know the pleasure of wearing out a tape.

I took it to be a song about addiction, probably heroin in his case, but it works just as well for alcohol or anything.

You made me forget myself.

Say whatever you want about the movie but you do not disrespect such a glorious nose neighbor.

Calling Prometheus's story "below average" isn't hating, it's charity.

I can't tell those people apart.

It was edited. The last line of the comment was originally "Too bad; better luck next time." I thought that was really dismissive of a movie that no one's even seen yet, that I want to be good and think will be, and my inner fanboy kicked in and I downvoted it.

To be fair, her sex is violent.

Oh my god. I read it. Rage. So much rage.

Who said that because I already hate them, and yes, Ghostbusters is as good as I remember, I know because I watched it again last month.

"abducted by an evil spirit into some weird plain between the physical world and the other side."

Iron Man 3 was terrible. The only part that was watchable was the middle bit, with him in the town with the kid, because that was the only part that was not predictable or mind-numbingly stupid. I'm sorry, I won't help you steal 2+ hours of someone's life by giving them the impression that this movie is not a steaming

Yup, this is a rare one where I'm not even interested in the reviews, I knew I was going to see it the moment I knew it existed.

The A.V. Club
Lower your expectations a bit

She was great in The Nines.

I've been searching for about 20 minutes and I'm still not 100% clear on when to use 'chyron' vs 'caption'. (Although I did find out the difference between a caption and a subtitle. Captions are intended for the deaf, while subtitles are intended for people who can hear, but not understand the language being spoken.)