
Truly a time capsule film. Bury it in a box in the backyard with a note that says "This was the 80's"

There's quite a disparity between the AV rating and the reader's rating. I'm a bit biased toward Nintendo, but it's hard to imagine the company releasing a C quality game. I haven't played enough of the title to rate it yet, but it's definitely a Super Mario Bros game. I'm not sure where the Myst reference comes

LOL @ Karatloz.

Popcorn Shrimps!

Mixed Thoughts About This Movie
When this movie came out I was in high school. I had a quasi-girlfriend, and her mom raved about this movie for days. I took her daughter out to go see this movie, but we got drunk and messed around instead. When I took her home I was quizzed about my favorite parts of the movie. So

I'm afraid of other people's narratives. That's why I roll up my car windows when I see homeless people hanging around intersections.

MAJOR UPDATE : I had to go to Full-Price Books to purchase this… book.

To The Half-Price Books!
I better find a copy of this book soon. Unless I decide to just make up a bunch of comments for the discussion…

I never saw an episode of any of these shows. My loss or gain?

Licorice Melodrama
Bleak movies make me laugh. Therefore I will watch this and anticipate internal chuckling. Possibly external guffaws, too.

OMG what did he cut off his mother?

Just Need To Know
When/Why did Lauren go crazy? That's all we care about.

"The Bronson Pinchot Explosion" will also be featured in Kama Sutra 3.0.

Yeah I wouldn't say I hated this book at all. I was entertained initially and felt compelled to find the resolution to the story. I found myself increasingly disappointed as the abstract evil force was defined as some type of Anger Harlot / Insect.

I've considered reading IT again because that book might be my Gateway to Kingery. I haven't read it in 15 or so years, and I've wondered if it would Stand the test of time.

I'm ashamed to say that I've been going through a binge of fantasy and programming books. I'm learning a lot about drow elves and design patterns.

I'm not sure any prude will get beyond five pages of a Dennis Cooper book!

This is the kind of movie that you can rate before seeing it. If you're willing to pay money for this show then you will like it. A+

I agree that King's characters usually have an extra dimension that is identifiable, grounded in humanity somehow. This comes at a cost - the dreaded 'word bloat'. However, if you're in for the long haul then you usually don't mind. That's just not the case in Ghost Story, these characters are closer to caricatures

Note To Self
Next year I shall have a Harlequin Summer!