
At first read I thought the title was 'Ali G : Medical Examiner'

This is a 'ghost' story, and you shouldn't approach it too seriously. However, I agree that the book would have been more interesting if it explored human guilt and remorse instead of concocting an vicious, vixen doppelganger.

This book was a return to my younger teen years, and I agree with several of your points. There were a few effective scenes that worked for me. I felt a few goosebumps during the scene of Stringer Dedham walking up to the window and smiling at his sister in the wheelchair.

Once Bitten.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
I kinda want to see this, and I totally love joyless movies. But Tasha referenced District 9 - and I regretted leaving the house to go see that can of cat poop.

Papa Loved Mama
Papa loved Mama
Mama loved men
Mama's in the graveyard
Papa's in the pen

It would be better if he just let strangers shove food into his throat. Now that's a challenge.

I just got an emover… :(

My Desire
I want a full movie about Elle Driver and that bitchin' Firebird.

I've never worked out in my life. However - when I am humping somebody in the bedroom I listen to the AV Talk podcast review of X-Files : I Want To Believe.

We'll discover that the dude in The Crying Game is a hermaphrodite and spawned Lady Gaga using only his loins, a terry cloth, and a bottle of Mazola.

By The Time I Get To Algebra
I Don't Want To Be Called Yo Niga During Recess
Black Steel In The Hour of Social Studies
Yo! Bum Rush the G.E.D.

Schedule Conflict
Lady Gaga is performing her one-man show 'No Penis Intended'.

She has more black fans than he does!

I still like U2 but 'Breathe' is a forgettable track. They should have done a cover of FNM's 'Be Aggressive'.

Nobody wrote it on a cue card for her… And you can't expect her to remember these things on her own.

The Dennis Quaid Slums were the best part of District 9.

Mash Em Up
Short Children of the Scanners in London on Halloween.

Are Puns Even Necessary
When he wrote songs titled:

You win the internet.