That's probably largely a fair criticism.
I don't dislike Damon, generally.
But affable and everymanish? Not for mine, BannerThief had it right with Smarmy Dick, imo ..
That's probably largely a fair criticism.
I don't dislike Damon, generally.
But affable and everymanish? Not for mine, BannerThief had it right with Smarmy Dick, imo ..
I'm with you.
Interstellar was great (not without flaws though).
Gravity visually superb without much else going on.
The Martian was pretty forgettable.
I see what you're saying, and your comment makes me want to have liked it more than I did, because I can totally get behind your overview - but the way it played out, I just did not dig it.
Moon was fucking great.
The Martian, not so much.
Seriously, I'm a bit surprised at Dowd's love for this flick; I love sci-fi more than most and was very keen going in - but man, talk about underwhelmed.
Maybe it was Damon's soulless performance (I generally don't mind him, but he just didn't carry this film in the way…
no probs; thought you may have mis-read :-)
ah, apologies on the gender mix-up Scrawler! Sorry ..
Yes that's exactly what I'm saying ..
Just watched this movie and really enjoyed it, so much to unpack.
One problem that I have with it though, that I'm hoping you may be able address, Mr Novel-Length-Comment-Writer, is:
Yeah I read that line in the article and nearly gagged.
exactly; Moby Dick's themes are more universal than To Kill A Mockingbird's.
I disagree.
The whole point of the book is that history is only as accurate as its authors, who will always have an angle - the character of the Judge is the ultimate example of that - but so is the story itself, which exposes America's bold frontiersman narrative as a false fable obscuring a blood drenched reality.
Agreed, I'd also have chosen Blood Meridian too - additionally, the way in which the Judge controls the way history is viewed through his devious and violent actions is equally as good a reason as yours, too ..
you don't do the broken voice ..
No need to cringe; it's not her LGBT status that gets people riled up, it's the fact that she's nominally a comedian but is in no way funny, unless we're discussing her hair-do.
There are a ton of hilarious LGBT comedians who *are* funny, but get next to no coverage on AV - whyyyy?
Last time I saw an Esposito shill on…
exactly; drummers are a far rarer breed in these days of 'beatz'
Dowd cops entirely too much shit on AV from the ol' proverbial butthurt fanboys, I think he's one of the best things left on AV.
"You've got so many machines Richard" … another Aphex Twin message from his mummy
I really need to listen to the song you're referring to before forming any kind of opinion or considered response (I just checked and it doesn't appear on any of her albums - does it?).
hmm, tough one, but probably 'I, Jonathan' - although I'd also highly recommend 'Modern Lovers '88' and the debut album 'Modern Lovers'
for sure - has followed his own muse and much amusement has followed..