
not the same guy.

AHEM. It's a called a burgee, damnit

Are you kidding me? The Browns would win 77-0.

That call would have been made if it happened to Tom Brady

You mean the "Dorothy Every Time Smurf Girl Trophy for Excellence in Female Stuff" Award?

I don't think she will, she would be the 2nd oldest incumbent, and will not be as popular as the first.

The Ring is so boring

Wouldn't he be too busy furniture shopping?

scissors work very well on those..

'Mute All' is a godsend

Oh I hope Dexter Jettster can make a cameo or three.

I'll tell you whats really ghastly:

you should tear it down some night.

howabout "dumb as shit"?

SHOTS! (x16)


I don't think that he thinks that at all. I think Trump cannot conceive of losing anything. He thinks everything that he does is literally the best and when he doesn't win at something it must be someone else's fault or people are against him because they are jealous of his obvious superiority. He has narcissistic

"and you shake it all about"

You know I'm starting to think that ol' Donnie might not be such a nice guy after all. Also, I don't think there are enough microphones in that picture. Can't they just use one mike for everyone? It's very cluttered.

..but how often does a hobo shave?