

Stuff you, ya turkey

or until Trump calls her a cunt

more like 'intelligent and accomplished democrat who happens to be a woman.'

at the very least they are ignorant fools

no..the fireside chats were on radio.

I'll take 8!

…that poor Chris Christie can never catch a break

The Contras were mobsters?

I personally can't wait until Judge Judy becomes Justice Judy.

Trump is awful and will get his ass whooped in November.

white people…well we had a good run

And then the first woman president would be like 3-4 months later, depending on how long the impeachment takes.

Either your post is partially sarcastic or you don't know what sarcasm is.

not just one fence, two fences

A republican congress won't work with any democrat

You spelled 'Toledo' wrong.

put up drywall? more like make him a sammich

Who gives a shit?

Luke screaming like a bitch after he jumps off of the platform in cloud city